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But he was in a state of perturbed excitement which altogether confused his judgment, and only inclined him to refuse all his prisoner's suggestions. He therefore set himself more vigorously than ever to bawl for help, and Périne seconded him with all her might. The next moment Jean went back to the table, seated himself upon it and crossed his arms. He had recognised Marie's step.

Begone, and I wish you a pleasant journey, but I would not be here when my servant comes back if I were you." Wiedan took the roll of money with a trembling hand and put it in his pocket without examining it; but Perine came up, and praising my noble generosity, would have put his arms around my neck and kissed me.

The door was locked, but he had all his keys about him, and soon succeeded in opening it, when Périne in a transport of terror rushed at him, and flung herself into his arms with a force which might have knocked over a less ponderous rescuer, and effectually blocked the door at which Jean glanced longingly.

"Soup for mother and Périne," she muttered. "What red hands she has!" continued Jean with a grimace, "and I hate to hear her call Marie, mother. But it's just Marie all over. She never could see a poor wretch, were it only a hunted rat, but she must take it up, and give herself all the trouble in the world, when she might have left it alone.

Périne, Périne, don't cry out so, look at me!" At this appeal she hid her eyes with her hands. "The man! the man! Mother! Help!"

But Périne was past all control, she screamed for "Mother!" for "M. Plon!" until it seemed to Jean that not only the house but the whole neighbourhood would presently be on him. He tried coaxing, he tried menace, but Périne shrieked the more. "Will you hold your tongue!" he cried, with a wild thought of strangling her. "I'm a friend, I'm not the man; I won't touch you.

"It is like him," said the landlord, examining him from head to foot, "certainly it is like him; I could almost believe it was he, only how could he have got into the house?" "As to that where there's a woman " said Leblanc, turning away. They were all watching him, except Périne, who was sobbing stormily on the wooden stool, and he said shortly, "There is something more in my note-book."

Périne, who generally was obedient to her smallest sign, was in a state of uncontrollable excitement; she fled to Marie's arms, buried her rough head there, sobbed her loudest, and presently, in the thick of incoherent lamentations, pulled down her dress, and showed a heavy bruise on her shoulder. Then she sobbed again, and implored Madame Didier not to let them beat her.

"I'm glad he's asleep, after that unfortunate affair with the pipe. When I remember how hard it is to get tobacco for him, for I am dreadfully afraid that some one will suspect me when I ask for it, I must own that Périne is an unlucky child.

Madame Didier began in a puzzled voice, "From eight thousand five hundred and four, take thirteen " but, seeing Périne shake her head, caught herself up. "No, no, not that, of course not that!" "The other way, stupid woman!" said the whisper.