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John; perf'ly bew'ful, with won'erful gray hair and golden eyes, perf'ly bew'ful girl. I told your husban' all about her I made confession that I was madly in love with this bew'ful girl, and your husban' told me to go and propose to her and drag her off to a minister and I did propose my mistake.

He was accompanied by a constable, to whom he appealed for confirmation, pointing to my face. "Left immy charge only this evening, Perf'ly dishgrashful!" "Boys will be boys, sir," said the constable. "M' good fellow " Mr. Stimcoe comprehended the crowd with an unsteady wave of his hand "that don't 'pply 'case of men. Ne tu pu'ri tempsherish annosh; tha's Juvenal."

You're jus' a li'l' ole ten'erfoot perfec'ly harmless li'l' ole ten'erfoot." "Thanks. May I ask you to have another?" "Nope. 'Nough's 'nough. 'S time f'r dinner." "Nearly. Well, if you flatly refuse to drink my health, I'll have to drink it alone, and that's rather egotistical, isn't it?" "Never. B' Gosh! You're sport. Funny li'l' ole ten'erfoot perf'ly harmless.

We haven't got any paper and pencils unless " Here she seemed to recall her hostess. "Oh, Florrie, dear! Run in the house and get us some paper and pencils." Florence gave no sign other than to increase the volume of her voice as she sang: "Perf'ly sick'ning, clef' for me, let me perf'ly sick-kin-ning!"

A good fellow, Dike, but he shouldn't permit a distillery to use his thirst as a testing station he's too temperamental. "H'ar'ye, Mrs. John?" he gurgled as the waiter pushed an extra chair under him. "Howdy, John? How de do, little man! 'Scuse me for int'rupting a perf'ly splendid family party my mistake! I'm all in that's it I'm all in and it's your fault, John; all your fault!"

"How perf'ly dorgeous!" cried Rosy, who often fell into baby talk when excited; and plunging in her hands, she revelled for some minutes in sandal-wood cases, carved ivory fans, silver bangles, barbaric brooches, and necklaces of coral, shells, amber, and golden coins, that jingled musically. "What SHALL I take for her?" cried the little maid, bewildered by such a mine of wealth.