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Thou wilt hear the old names, even if the faces are young to thee. Courage! Do thy duty, old friend; let them see that the hospitality of La Mision Perdida does not grow old, if its mayordomo does. Faquita will bring thee the wine. No; not that way; thou needest not pass the patio, nor meet that man again. Here, give me thy hand. I will lead thee. It trembles, Pereo!

Then he ended the discussion by turning his back abruptly and continuing his way to the high-road. "So!" said Pereo, looking after him with abstracted eyes, "so! it was only a fancy. And yet even now, as he turned away, I saw the same cold insolence in his eye. Caramba!

"Begone to the stables. Dost thou hear me? Go!" "Now, by the Mother of Miracles," said Sanchez, hastening from the room as the gaunt figure of the old man rose, like a sheeted spectre, from the bed, "that was his old self again! Blessed San Antonio! Pereo has recovered." The next day he was at his usual duties, with perhaps a slight increase of sternness in his manner.

For once, it seemed that the fortunes and traditions of the family were changed; the female Guitierrez, instead of impoverishing the property, had augmented it; the foreigner and intruder had been despoiled; the fate of La Mision Perdida had been changed; the curse of Koorotora had proved a blessing; his prophet and descendant, Pereo, the mayordomo, moved in an atmosphere of superstitious adulation and respect among the domestics and common people.

The awful fascination of Pereo's upturned face did not prevent Faquita from tossing her head as she replied, pertly, that she was not there to defend her mistress from lazy gossip. "Nay, but WHAT said she?" asked the other attendant. "She said Pereo was to want for nothing; but at present she could not see him." A murmur of indignation and sympathy passed through the company.

"Harry," she said, softly, "did you think of the property when when you kissed me in the conservatory?" "I thought of nothing but YOU," he answered, tenderly. Suddenly she started from his embrace. "But Pereo! Harry tell me quick no one-nobody can think that this poor demented old man could that Dr. West was that it's all a trick isn't it? Harry speak!"

"Sybarite!" She cast a long look over the fields and down the lane. Suddenly she started. "What is that?" She pointed to a tall erect figure slowly disappearing on the other side of the hedge. "It's Pereo, only Pereo. I knew him by his long serape," said Garnier, who was nearest the hedge, complacently. "But what is surprising, he was not there when we came, nor did he come out of that open field.

And Pereo laughs a wild laugh and says: 'Watch if the coyote does not drag yet at his mustang's heels; and Sanchez ran and watched the Doctor out of sight, careering and galloping to his death! ay, as Pereo prophesied.

"And thou, thou old fool, Pereo, must needs see a likeness to thine enemy in this poor runaway child this fugitive Don Juan! He! he!" Nevertheless, he still felt a vague terror of the condition of mind which had produced this fancy, and drank so deeply to dispel his nervousness that it was with difficulty he could mount his horse again.

He did not allow himself to dwell upon any other suspicion suggested by that speech; he quickly conceived a plan of action. To have rung the bell and given Pereo into the hands of the servants would have only exposed to them the lunatic's secret if he had any and he might either escape in his fury or relapse into useless imbecility.