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See Diez, Romance Dictionary, s. v. "Marrir." On literally retranslating lost into Italian, we should get the quite different word perduta. The more flexible method of Dr. Parsons leads to a more satisfactory but still inadequate result: "Half-way on our life's Journey, in a wood, From the right path I found myself astray."

Verdi's strenuous melodies, often allied to words in which the passionate patriotism of his countrymen contrived to read a political sentiment, struck like a trumpet-call upon the ears of men already ripe for revolt against the hated Austrian rule. Such strains as the famous 'O mia patria, si bella e perduta' in 'Nabucodonosor' proclaimed Verdi the Tyrtæus of awakened Italy.

"It is true," said the Canon gravely. "I never would have believed it." "Roma veduta, fede perduta," said Don Calixto. "And as for you, Caesar, hasn't this visit interested you?" "Yes, I have been interested in trying to keep from catching cold." The landau that the Breton family was in took the Appian, Way, and Caesar and Don Calixto's carriage followed behind it.

Don Calixto kept exclaiming. "That is why they say: 'Roma veduta, fede perduta."

The leit-motif has crept into the high form of absolute tones to make it as definite and dramatic as any opera. Per me si va nella cit-ta do-lente; Per me si va nell'eterno dolore; and in still higher chant Per me si va tra la perduta gente. All hope abandon, ye who enter in!" In a violent paroxysm we hear the doom of the monotone in lowest horns.

"Per me si va nella eitti dolente, Per me si va nell' eterno dolore, Per me si va tra la perduta gente." Here are three lines which, in their matchless simplicity and grandeur, might well excite despair in the breast of any translator. Let us contrast Mr. Longfellow's version.

Boboli Gardens, Bargello, Louvre. These captives are unfinished. The "Rachel" and "Leah" at S. Pietro in Vincoli were committed to pupils by Michael Angelo. "Che mi fosso messo a fare zolfanelli.... Son ogni di lapidato, come se havessi crucifisso Cristo.... io mi truovo avere perduta tutta la mia giovinezza legato a questa sepoltura." Gotti, p. 42.