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Gently, easily, as if he had been a child, Shock lifted him from the buckboard, carried him into the house and laid him upon his bed. The old man was faint with his pain. "Thank you, sir that was distinctly easier. You are a mighty man. Perault! I think I " His voice faded away into silence and his head fell back. The girl sprang forward with a cry of fear, but Shock was before her.

Perault cut off a forked branch of a tree, with the leaves on; and inverting one of the forks into a vessel of water, observed, that the leaves on the other branch continued green much longer than those of a similar branch, cut off from the same tree; which shews, that the water from the vessel was carried up one part of the forked branch, by the retrograde motion of its vessels, and supplied nutriment some time to the other part of the branch, which was out of the water.

He struck heem, for sure," grinned Perault. "What? The Lost River?" "What? His mine?" chorused the crowd, awakened to more than ordinary interest. "Non, not Los' River, but los' man, blank near."

Perault would not tell me the truth." "Non, ma petite, dat hur's not so ver' bad, but de cole water das bad ting for fader, sure." The cloud of gloom on the girl's face deepened. She turned away toward the door and saying, "I'll go and get some crocuses," she mounted her pony and rode off toward the Jumping Rock. Within half an hour the girl came galloping back.

Cardinal Perault de Gurk, when he visited his friend the Dominican prior towards the end of January, 1497, saw and admired the work of Leonardo, and conversed with the painter, who laughed, Bandello tells us, at his Eminence's ignorance for thinking his salary of 2000 ducats a large one and expressing surprise at the duke's liberality.

Begin at the beginning and tell it in your own way." The grave tone, even more than the whisky he had drunk, steadied Perault, and he began again. "Dat's twelve or tirteen day, now. De Preachere, dat Prospector, I call heem, he's jus' lak de Ole Boss, for sure de Prospector he's sen' dat ole fool doctor, for me queek.

"Thank you, Perault," she replied kindly. "I'll be right back." But it took some time to get Patsy persuaded to allow her to depart, and by the time she had returned she found Perault had the fire lit and Josie, his bright-eyed, pretty, little wife, busy airing the bed-clothes and flitting about seeking opportunities to show her sympathy.

"Yes, and here he is," said Father Mike. "Hello, Carroll. Can you tell me where your minister is?" "By japers, it's a search warrant you'll need for him I'm thinkin'. Ask Perault there. Perault, do you know where the preacher is?" "Oui. He's go 'way for prospect sure." "Prospecting?" inquired Father Mike. "Oui," grinned Perault, "dat's heem, one prospector.

"My boy," said the doctor, "that is very beautiful, but it is very hard to bear." "Yes," said Stanton. "I'm a baby. I would like to help her, but I cannot." "Well, my boy, she needs no help that either you or I can give." Perault, the half-breed, and Crawley sat in silence at the other side of the fire. Shock remained near, the girl, wondering at her marvellous self-control.

"That is what Perault and Ike called me," were his first words, and from that moment till the close of his speech he had his audience leaning forward and listening with ears and eyes and heart. He made no attempt at fine speaking, but simply told them of his friends in the West, of the men he had come to love as brothers, and who had come to love him.