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'Turning to Pepito, with a smile, she inquired gayly, 'Well, Señor, how do you like my change of costume? 'The Mexican replied merely by putting his hand on his heart, and bowing almost reverentially. 'Having given Mr. Livermore an affectionate embrace, she exclaimed, in a firm, determined voice: 'Let us be off: time is precious.

Right at the beginning Don Enrique got up and explained to the people that the first item on the program was to be a match between the English Doctor and Pepito de Malaga. He told them what he had promised if the Doctor should win. But the people did not seem to think there was much chance of that. A roar of laughter went up at the very mention of such a thing.

Now supposing I were to go into the ring to-morrow with Pepito de Malaga and any other matadors you choose; and if I can do more tricks with a bull than they can, would you promise to do something for me?" Don Enrique threw back his head and laughed. "Man," he said, "you must be mad! You would be killed at once. One has to be trained for years to become a proper bullfighter."

''Fear nothing, I will be discreet; I only want to get one good look at him. So saying, Pepito increased his speed, and was soon walking beside the unconscious Percival. 'In a few minutes, Pepito turned suddenly down a narrow street, into which we followed, and there we found a carriage awaiting us.

''Señor, exclaimed Pepito, 'that must be my compadre, Pedro. 'On the door being opened, they flew to one another's arms, and gave a true Mexican embrace. 'The entrance of Pedro, which evidently annoyed Mr. Livermore, awakened in my mind strange suspicions. I resolved at the earliest opportunity I had of a private interview with him, to allude to what I had overheard on the Alameda.

In a postscript, reference was made to an accident which had happened to poor Pepito, who was prevented from being the bearer of this letter, by having sprained his ankle.

''False is it false that three days since your husband was murdered at your instigation, by Pepito? Stay hear me! Look at this dagger! did you not steal it from my room and give it to Pepito to perpetrate the crime? Madame, pause, ere you dare to swear it is false. 'She trembled, and falling on her knees, exclaimed: ''My God! my God! forgive me!

Livermore, 'you shall find me not ungrateful, and in return for the zeal and devotion you have shown, two hundred dollars shall be yours, on your return with tidings of madame's safe arrival. ''I will at once proceed to secure the necessary equipage, Señor. Señora, rely on my punctuality; at seven, I shall attend you. ''Are you related to Señor Pride? asked Pepito, as we descended the stairs.

I wonder what the folks up home are doing right now?" "Just what we are, likely waiting to hear a welcome sound that will call them in to feed. And there comes little Pepito to blow the conch shell that he uses for a dinner bell. Come, Andy, get a move on you. Another night and then we are going to do business at the old stand.

Juana was delirious and raving for many days. The shock itself was sufficient to cause her illness, but it was surmised that the arrow, which had slain Pepito, had entered an inch or so into her arm.