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"As I was sayin', as you might say." But there was one mark-worthy point about the congregation of the chapel; and the Duke in his shrewd way was the first to note it. "Nine out of ten of the people who attend are his own folk his carters, shepherds, milk-maids, and the like. And they don't go for what they can get. Now if I started a chapel as I'm thinkin' of doin' d'you think my people'd come?

"And then after that?" "I didn't know what to do with my baby. I was afraid people'd say I wasn't married, and then father " "Go on from the time you left your cousin's." Molly thought a minute and proceeded. "I looked in all the papers to find some one who wanted a baby " "So you gave him away? Well, that's easy to overcome. You couldn't give my baby away, you know." "No, no, indeed!

Diana's voice was faltering and amazed. Fanny twisted her hat in her hands. "He's all right," she said, angrily, "if his business hadn't been ruined by a lot of nasty crawling tale-tellers. If people'd only mind their own business! However, there it is he's ruined he hasn't got a penny piece and, of course, he can't marry me, if well, if somebody don't help us out." Diana's face changed.

"He says it's no use to clean up the slums unless you raise wages and that then the slum people'd clean themselves up. The idea of giving those worthless trash more money to spend for beer and whisky and finery for their fool daughters. Why, they don't earn what we give 'em now." Jane couldn't resist the temptation to say, "I guess the laziest of them earn more than Davy Hull or I."

"Joel," gasped Polly; "he fell from the apple tree. Oh, do come, dear Dr. Fisher." The little doctor was by this time in the bedroom. "Don't worry, ma'am," he said to Mrs. Pepper, then he hurried to the side of the bed and bent over Joel. "I ain't sick," exclaimed Joel, opening his eyes to look up into the big spectacles. "I wish people'd let me alone," and he gave an irritable flounce.

And Mis' Kinney, ef ye'll excuse my makin' so bold, I'll tell ye jest what Elder Williams said about ye: sez he, It's my opinion that ef there was ever a woman born thet was jest cut out for a minister to a congregation, it's that Elder's wife o' your'n; and sez we to him 'Thet's jest what the hull town thinks, sir, and it's our opinion that ef we should try to settle anythin' in the shape of a man in this parish, there wouldn't be anythin' but empty pews for him to preach to, for the people'd all be gone up to Mis' Kinney's."

You know how people'd talk if they knew." "What people?" said Susan. "Anyone who's willing to give you anything?" "No," admitted Etta. "But " There she halted. Susan went on: "I don't propose to be bothered by the other kind. They wouldn't do anything for me if they could except sneer and condemn." "Still, you know it isn't right, what we're doing."

Says I to myself, when I hung sheepish by your mother and by your father, my dear, says I to myself, I ain't a marrying man: and if these two, says I, if any progeny comes to 'em to bless them, some people'd say, but I know what life is, and what young ones are if where was I? Liquor makes you talk, brother William John, but where's your ideas? Gone, like hard cash!

"Blessed times, upon my life!" quoth the major; "I wish we had them back again." "There's more of your mind," said Mike, steadying himself. "My ancesthors was great people in them days; and sure it isn't in my present situation I'd be av we had them back again, sorra bit, faith! It isn't, 'Come here, Mickey, bad luck to you, Mike! or, 'That blackguard, Mickey Free! people'd be calling me.

"Mr. Kimball says this is the day of consolidation an' if we had a paper the Cherry Ponders an' all the Clightville people'd naturally join in an' take it too. He says he's figured that if he can start out with a hundred paid-up subscribers of a dollar each he can make a go of it.