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Indeed the chief difficulty of the papacy at this time must have been the occupation of the state it had won so consummately. How were the popes to make good their somewhat shadowy hold upon Ravenna, and the Pentapolis, and those other strongholds in central Italy and Aemilia? That they were not to hold them easily was soon evident.

Rudolf was too busy ever to visit Rome; but in negotiations with regard to his coronation as Emperor, Nicholas III exacted the confirmation of all that was promised to Gregory, and this included especially the lands of the old Exarchate and the district of Pentapolis, which had never yet been actually in the hands of papal officers. Dante has banned the memory of Nicholas as the simoniacal Pope.

Then he fell upon the Pentapolis, seized Sinigaglia, Jesi, Urbino, Gubbio, S. Leo, and other "Roman" cities, and indeed possessed himself of everything save only Ravenna and Rimini, and proceeded upon a raid into the duchy of Rome. The answer of the pope was mild but firm: mild, for the hour was not yet come; firm, for it would strike ere long.

'And what can you do for me, if I did tell you? 'Then allow me, my very dear friend, to ask this. As you deny having visited me on my own account, on what account did you visit me? 'Can you ask? To enjoy the society of the most finished gentleman of Pentapolis. 'And was that worth a week's journey in perpetual danger of death?

By the year 590, then, we see Italy thus divided into seven districts or governments: the Duchy of Istria, the Duchy of Venetia, the Exarchate to which Calabria is attached, the Duchy of Pentapolis, the Duchy of Rome, the Duchy of Naples, Liguria.

The fishermen told Pericles the name of their country was Pentapolis, and that their king was Simonides, commonly called the good Simonides, because of his peaceable reign and good government.

Peter. And that the pious Barbarians, kindled into rage, thirsted to avenge the persecution of the East. Then Luitprand took up the cause of the Pope and his images, and of the mob, who were furious at the loss of their idols; and marched on Ravenna, which opened her gates to him, so that he became master of the whole Pentapolis; and image-worship, to which some plainspoken people give a harsher name, was saved for ever and a day in Italy.

Some of these made their way to Pentapolis, and finding their King there, told him how discontented his people were at his long absence, and that, Antiochus being dead, there was nothing now to hinder him from returning to his kingdom.

Peter, extended over the modern Romagna, the marshes or valleys of Ferrara and Commachio, five maritime cities from Rimini to Ancona, and a second inland Pentapolis, between the Adriatic coast and the hills of the Apennine.

The immense masses of DEBRIS of which the embankment is made up date front different epochs; we have before us, if we may use such an expression, a perpendicular Pentapolis or series of five ancient cities one above the other. One town was destroyed by assault and by fire; another rapidly rose from its ruins, built with stones taken front the midst of those very remains.