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They're goin' to the beach first, and I'm goin' to a boys' camp up in Vermont Mellicent, she's goin' to a girls' camp. Did you know that?" Mr. Smith shook his head. "Well, she is," nodded Benny. "She tried to get Bess to go Gussie Pennock's goin'. But Bess! my you should see her nose go up in the air!

There was but one house of two stories, and that was John Pennock's, who had sufficient means to construct such a building.

Smith saw that his glance was shifting more and more frequently and more and more unhappily to Mellicent and Hibbard Gaylord, talking tennis across the room. Mr. Smith apparently lost interest in young Pennock's fish story then. At all events, another minute found him eagerly echoing Mrs.

Pennock's efforts to keep Carl away from her the loss of the money is known everywhere now, and has been greatly exaggerated, I've heard. She said that even Hibbard Gaylord had the air of one trying to let her down easy. Mellicent was immensely amused." "Where was Donald Gray?" "Oh, he wasn't there. He doesn't move in the Pennock crowd much.

Besides Benny, with his grievances, young Fred Blaisdell came sometimes, and poured into Miss Maggie's sympathetic ears the story of Gussie Pennock's really remarkable personality, or of what he was going to do when he went to college and afterwards. Mr.

It was one hundred and fifty dollars, a HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS, and it came from New York. I don't believe that white muslin thing of Gussie Pennock's cost fifty! You know Gussie?" "I've seen her." 'Yes, of course you have with Fred. He used to go with her a lot. He goes with Pearl Gaylord more now. There, you can see them this minute, dancing together the one in the low-cut, blue dress.

Expectation among the lieges became tremendous and vociferous when Admiral Pennock's sixteen-oared barge, with a handsome awning, followed by two well-manned boats, swept across the strip of water which lies between the ships and the shore. Outrigger canoes, with garlanded men and women, were poised upon the motionless water or darted gracefully round the ironclads, as gracefully to come to rest.

Smith did not hear, for a nearer, yet more excited, voice demanded attention. "Gee! Carl Pennock!" whispered Benny hoarsely. "Whew! Won't my sister Bess be mad? She thinks Carl Pennock's the cutest thing going. All the girls do!" With a warning "Sh-h!" and an expressive glance toward the hall, Mr. Smith tried to stop further revelations; but Benny was not to be silenced.

He'll be eighteen the tenth of next month." "And Miss Bessie, and Benny?" "Oh, she's sixteen. She'll be seventeen next winter. She wants to come out then, but I think I shall wait a little, she's so very young; though Gussie Pennock's out, and she's only seventeen, and the Pennocks are some of our very best people. They're the richest folks in town, you know." "And Benny was born when?"

It brings in quite a lot extry, ma says; but she wouldn't let me have some new roller skates when mine broke. She's savin' up for a chafin' dish. What's a chafin' dish? Do you know? You eat out of it, some way I mean, it cooks things ter eat; an' Bess wants one. Gussie Pennock's got one. ALL our eatin's different, 'seems so, on the West Side. Ma has dinners nights now, instead of noons.