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Ah gotter sit somewheres." "Ouch! What fool put rye-straw in here?" "Powerful penetratin', ain' hit?" "Now, look here, that dog's gotter run with the rest. They ain' no room for him in this wagon." "Cain' you-all make them horses o' yo's git along a little mo' lively, Alf? Mr. Baron'll 'a' cleaned the mountain o' 'possums befo' we git there."

If only we could move a forest or two onto these vast prairies, that would still the winds. Tall trees penetratin' the skies would be impassable barriers to the terrible winds that have full sweep as it is. They would still the winds, those forests, if we could move them!"

McRankine came courtin', and that's lang by-gane I mind I had a green gown, passementit, that was thocht to become me to admiration. I was nae just exactly what ye would ca' bonny; but I was pale, penetratin', and interestin'. And she leaned over the stair-rail with a candle to watch my descent as long as it should be possible. It was but a little party at Mr.

Purcel, but you know that I am rather sharp a penetratin' fellow in my way, or I would not be of the commission to-day he seemed merely to drop the expression accidentally only." "I pledge my honor to you," replied the proctor, who at once saw through the hoax that his son had played off upon him, "that the young rascal had no authority from me for mentioning a single syllable about it."

Miss Elspeth was the plain, clever one. "In my youth", she loved to quote, "in my youth I wasna what you would ca' bonnie, but I was pale, penetratin', and interestin'."

McRankine came courtin', and that's lang by-gane I mind I had a green gown, passementit, that was thocht to become me to admiration. I was nae just exactly what ye would ca' bonny; but I was pale, penetratin', and interestin'." And she leaned over the stair-rail with a candle to watch my descent as long as it should be possible. It was but a little party of Mr.

He bent his full sweet penetratin' look onto me, it seemed to go through my head clear to my back comb, and he sez, "Have I met you before?" "Yes," sez I, "in sperit, we have met, I want to thank you for the words you have said this day. It seems to me I shall be good for some time, it seems that I must after hearin' your discourse, and I want to thank you for it, thank you earnest and sincere."