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After the death of Leo, the stone was assigned to Baccio Bandinelli; but Michelangelo, being in favour with the Government at the time of the expulsion of the Medici, obtained the grant of it. His first intention, in which Bandinelli followed him, was to execute a Hercules trampling upon Cacus, which should stand as pendant to his own David.

I perceived that the pendant was up for punishment, and this I thought rather an unusual sight at Spithead: I took it for granted that some aggravated offence, such as theft, or mutiny, had been committed. Seeing I was an officer, I was admitted alongside; so I paid the waterman, and sent him away.

Gone like the wild-geese in frosty weather. "Don't you remember how I gave you a bagful of gold?" says Beppo the Foolish. "Won't you remember me now in my time of need?" But the fair-weather friend only laughed in his face. "Don't you remember how I gave you a fine gold chain with a diamond pendant?" says Beppo to another. "And won't you lend me a little money to help me over to-day?"

Above their heads the bright star shone, pendant between the snowy wings of the dividing cloud, and the sound of the sea was as a sacred psalm of jubilation in their ears. "Thank God I came in time! Thank God I have you safe!" and Angus drew her closer and yet closer into his fervent embrace "Oh Mary, my darling! sweetest of women! How could you think of leaving me?

See the "Pendant l'Exil," under the heading Actes et Paroles, vol. ii. Died in exile at Termonde. Pro Hugonotorum strage. Medal struck at Rome in 1572. It was one o'clock in the afternoon. Bonaparte had again become gloomy. The gleams of sunshine on such countenances as these last very short time.

There is noticeable distension of the joint capsule a characteristic pendant pouching protrusion. When both stifles are affected the subject frequently shifts the weight from one limb to the other. Lameness comes on gradually and during the incipient stages may be intermittent but it progressively increases so that in time affected animals become useless.

Nearly three weeks after the battle of Antietam, General McClellan publishes what he and they call a report of his operations in Maryland; in all not twenty lines, and devoted principally to establish on probabilities the numerical losses of the enemy. The report is a fit pendant to his bulletins; is excellent for bunkum, and to make other people justly laugh at us.

Then, you have passed through the clouds, and are above timber line; and a lake lies below you like a pool of pure turquoise; and you twist round the flank of the great mountain, and there is a pair of green lakes below you emerald jewels pendant from the neck of the old mountain god; and with a bump and a rattle of the wheels, clear over the top of the Continental Divide you go believe me, a greater conquest than any Napoleon's march to Moscow, or Alva's shambles of headless victims in the Netherlands.

The ears when visible through the dangling hair, were seen to hold enormous rings of bone, while the nose hooked over and dipped in a fashion that showed that the organ had at some time held a pendant in the way of an ornament.

In short, there is a great deal to see at Plymouth besides the sea itself: but what I particularly wish now is, that you will stand at the Battery of Mount Edgcumbe and look into Barn Pool below you, and there you will see, lying at single anchor, a cutter; and you may also see, by her pendant and ensign, that she is a yacht.