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Jan. 1761. Once. Ib. p. 122. April 1770. Cupped. Pemb. Coll. Winter of 1772-3. Three times. Ante, ii. 206, and Pemb. Coll. May 1773. Two copious bleedings. Pr. and Med. 130. Times not mentioned. 36 ounces. Piozzi Letters, i. 209. Jan. 1777. Three bleedings. 22 ounces in first two. Ib. i. 343. Jan. 1780. Once. Post, Jan. 20, 1780. June 1780. Times not mentioned. Croker's Boswell, p. 649.

A group representing the French colony presented me with a friendly address. Then M. Mercier, the editor of the Courrier des Etats Unis, made a speech, as witty as it was kindly. It was a thoroughly French speech. Then came the terrible moment of introductions. Oh, what a tiring time that was! My mind was kept at a tension to catch the names. Mr. Pemb , Madame Harth , with the h aspirated.

We dined yesterday for the last time in the company with Dr. Johnson; he went away to-day. A warm dispute arose; it was about cider or wine freezing, and all the spirit retreating to the center. Pemb. Coll. 'I never retired to rest without feeling the justness of the Spanish proverb, "Let him who sleeps too much borrow the pillow of a debtor." Johnson's Works, iv. 14. See ante, i. 441.

Johnson, tho' not in good health, is in general very talkative and infinitely agreeable and entertaining. Pemb. Coll. Johnson said 'Milton was a Phidias, &c. Ante, p. 99, note 1. I think he would have let himself be killed first. I do not think that he would have told a lie. See ante, iii. 376.

He spent three or four days with my father at Oxford, and promised to come again; as he was, he said, nowhere so happy. Pemb. Coll. See ante, p. 293. Mr.

Some parts indeed Mr. Strahan himself suppressed, as the Pemb. Coll. There are other apparent gaps in the diary which raise the suspicion that it was only fragments that Mr. Strahan obtained. On the other hand Mr. Dr. Adams, whose name is mentioned in the preface, expressed in a letter to the Gent. Mag. 1785, p. 755, his disapproval of the publication. Mr. Strahan: Dr.