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«Un peintre qui voudroit monter son imagination, et se faire des grandes idées des ravages du tems sur de grands objects, devroit aller au pied de Saleve,

Voyage Pittoresque et Historique de l'Istrie et de la Dalmatie, rédigé d'après l'Itineraire de L.F. Cassas, peintre. Par J. Lavallée. Paris, 1802. fol. This splendid work, as its title indicates, principally relates to antiquities: there are, however, interspersed notices on manners, commerce, &c. Zara, celebrated for its marasquin, is particularly described.

One paid half a franc for it, and it would restore self-respect and interest in one's surroundings when even Tahiti rum failed. "Zat was ze drink I mix for Paul Gauguin, ze peintre sauvage, here before he go to die in les îsles Marquises," remarked Levy, the millionaire pearl-buyer, as he stood by the table to be introduced to me. "Absinthe seul he general' take," said Joseph, the steward.

'Dame auteur, says my faithful mentor, the Biographic Generale, 'consideree comme le peintre le plus fidele de la vie rurale en Angleterre. 'Author of a remarkable tragedy, "Julian," in which Macready played a principal part, followed by "Foscari," "Rienzi," and others, says the English Biographical Dictionary.

"Au revoir, M'sieur le Peintre, et bon voyage, and remember, 'Ask, and it shall be given, seek and you shall find," and with these cryptic words, he stood with uplifted hands, a smile irradiating his fine ascetic face glowing like that of a saint.

Arm in arm, pressed close to one another, they went along the streets; their bodies felt so light they seemed to be flying. They went to the Amour peintre. On reaching the Oratoire: "Better not go through the shop," Élodie suggested. She made him go in by the main coach-door and mount the stairs with her to the suite of rooms above. On the landing she drew out of her reticule a heavy iron key.

For a full description of his prints, the reader is referred to Bartsch's Peintre Graveur. His prints are very numerous, yet they command very high prices. The largest collection of his prints known, was made by M. de Burgy at the Hague, who died in 1755. This collection contained 665 prints with their variations, namely, 257 portraits, 161 histories, 155 figures, and 85 landscapes.

Jean Blaise was a man of the world, so he deemed it best to put up with what he could not hinder; he gave up Mademoiselle Thévenin to Montfort without ceasing to be on friendly terms with her. Julie had not been long at the Amour peintre before Élodie came down to her in the shop, looking like a fashion plate.

Near the École Militaire Évariste pointed out to his companion the Egyptian statues designed by David on Roman models of the age of Augustus, and they overheard a Parisian, an old man with powdered hair, ejaculate to himself: "Egad! you might think yourself on the banks of the Nile!" It was three days since Élodie had seen her lover, and serious events had befallen meantime at the Amour peintre.

His suspicion received a remarkable confirmation on his discovering in a note-book belonging to the émigré, but long out of date, the address of the Amour peintre, in company, it is true, with those of the Green Monkey, the Dauphin's Head, and several more print and picture shops.