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Having ordered the sentries to return to their posts, he went to where my companion in misfortune was sitting. He conversed with him for some time; and though I had great confidence in Pedro, I was afraid that he might ultimately be tempted or threatened into compliance with the colonel's demands. I wronged him; for I afterwards learned that he remained firm to his honour.

Pedro made no reply, but went to his room, where he selected from among his most cherished belongings a gift for each of his guests three beautiful opals and laid them upon their respective suit cases. When the Broncho Rider Boys arrived at the embassy they found a large crowd of Americans already assembled.

It was a busy Sunday at the Quarter Circle KT. Chuck, Charley and Pedro spent the morning and most of the afternoon getting the saddle horses from across the river. Bert helped Parker and Old Heck about the ranch. Sing Pete baked a supply of light-bread and stocked the grub-wagon with provisions.

Él es lindo mozo ... muy afable.... DON PEDRO. Y muy callado. BRUNO. Y siempre que entraba o salía me apretaba la mano. DON PEDRO. Y nunca me hablaba de dote. BRUNO. Como que es un caballero. DON PEDRO. ¡Oh! Todo un caballero. BRUNO. ¡Si las muchachas hoy día no saben lo que quieren! DON PEDRO. Ni quieren tampoco.

Mulgate; but Florry cares no more about you than she does about Uncle Pedro, my father's house-servant. She saw you both at Glenfield, and I can't tell which she likes best." "We had better drop the subject," added Captain Carboneer. "Drop it, then," replied Mulgate sullenly. "Get over the fence, Corny. Nobody is using that sailboat, and we may as well take it for a while."

Alvarado the new governor, began the exercise of his authority in the city of La Paz, where he tried a number of rebel soldiers who had concealed themselves on the borders of the lake of Titicaca, whence they had been brought prisoners by Pedro de Encisco. Some of these were hanged, some beheaded, others banished, and others condemned to the gallies.

He was wrong, however; for the idea of doing so was never absent from my mind. "Pedro," said I, "you have been so true and faithful, and have shown so much regard for me, that I know you would not willingly desert me, and yet I do not like to lead you into danger unnecessarily; but tell me, do you think we could manage to get away from these people?"

"She's no doubt worrying her life out about the young pirate. I really think we owe him a licking on her account." "Poor woman! She must be feeling dreadfully. Isn't there any way of letting her know that he is safe?" Miss Berry asked. "We'll have to call in at San Pedro, though that means the loss of a day. We can send the youngster home from Los Angeles," Blythe suggested.

"Working under instructions from his confederates, Pedro let Gaga into the house about six o'clock one rainy night. He remained inside so long without reporting to those outside that they demanded admittance, and Pedro was obliged to let them in. This must have been about nine o'clock. When Itto and the other man entered, they went at their work roughly. They assaulted Mr.

On this account the rajah of Tanor was in great fear of the zamorin, and humbly requested assistance from the admiral, promising in return to become subject to the king of Portugal. For this purpose, the admiral sent Pedro Raphael in a caravel to Tanor, with 100 soldiers, most of whom were crossbow men.