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'Now that we are rich people we must build a bigger house, cried she; and was vexed to find that Peder only shook his head and said: 'No; if they did that people would talk, and say they had got their wealth by ill-doing. A few mornings later Hans came again. 'Be off before you get us into trouble, said his father. 'So far the money has come right enough, but I don't trust it.

'Yes, Kirsten; and I have brought back ten dollars, as the boy told us, answered Peder. 'Ay! but that's fine! said his wife. 'Now you see what one gets by doing as one is bid; if it had not been for me you would have driven the dog away again, and we should have lost the money. After all, I always know what is best. 'Nonsense! said her husband; 'women always think they know best.

By this time we had reached the other end of the lake, where, in the midst of a little valley of rich alluvial soil, covered with patches of barley and potatoes, stood the hamlet of Sæbö. Here Peder procured a horse for my friend, and we entered the mouth of a sublime gorge which opened to the eastward a mere split in the mighty ramparts of the Hardanger-Fjeld.

'Don't worry over that, father, said Hans. 'To-morrow you will find a horse outside by the gate. Ride it to market and you will get a thousand dollars for it. Only don't forget to loosen the bridle when you sell it. Well, in the morning there was the horse; Kirsten had never seen so find an animal. 'Take care it doesn't hurt you, Peder, said she. 'Nonsense, wife, answered he crossly.

At last there came an old, grey-bearded man who looked at the horse and agreed to buy it; but the moment he touched it the horse began to kick and plunge. 'I must take the bridle off, said Peder. 'It is not to be sold with the animal as is usually the case. 'I'll give you a hundred dollars for the bridle, said the old man, taking out his purse. 'No, I can't sell it, replied Hans's father.

Peder went up to one of the women, and brought back a little cupful for his visitor; it was all that one deer gave, but it was so rich as to be almost like drinking cream. He led her into one of the tents, but it was very smoky, and not much cleaner than the Esquimaux. It is a wonder how Lucy could go to sleep there, but she did, heartily wishing herself somewhere else.

The old man was rather afraid of getting into trouble, but his wife urged him to sell the dog as the boy had bidden him, so he took it up to the castle and sold it to the duke for ten dollars. But he did not forget to take off the strap with which he had led the animal, and to carry it home. When he got there old Kirsten met him at the door. 'Well, Peder, and have you sold the dog? asked she.

When he had assisted Peder to lay Ulla's head in the grave, and guided him back to the house, Rolf drew Erica's arm within his own, and led her away, as if for a walk. No one interfered with them; for the family knew that their hearts must be very full, and that they must have much to say to each other, now that the event had happened which was to cause their marriage very soon.

Kirsten, of course, was delighted at this new piece of good fortune, and insisted that the new house should be built and land bought. This time Peder consented, and soon they had quite a fine farm. Meanwhile the old man rode off on his new purchase, and when he came to a smithy he asked the smith to forge shoes for the horse.

"Rolf had lashed several logs before he went. I am sure we can get over to the islet. See, madam, the fiord is as smooth as a pond." "Let her go," said Peder. "She will never repent." "Then come back, I charge you, if you find the least danger," said her mistress.