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When the worthy practitioner presented himself to Paou, that friend concluded he had been committing some crime, and had come for safety to that general refugium peccatorum, the pirate fleet. The Doctor explained, and assured the chief, that if he would submit, Government was inclined to treat him and his far more favorably and more honorably than O-po-tae.

The Virgin came upon the scene to a dance measure like a ballet girl; but when certain of her attributes were paraded, and certain of her symbolical names declared, the music became singularly respectful; it became lower, halting and solemn, thrice repeating, on the same motive, some of her attributes, the "Refugium Peccatorum" among others; then it went on again, and began her graces again with a skip.

Now, as to this story, all I have to say of it is that I do not believe a word of it. Not because I am blinded by any sentimentalism of to-day, which, as in a child's story, brings all right for everyone in the end; but for this very cogent reason that of all created beings Our Lady is the most merciful, loving and tender Refugium Peccatorum. Also I know a better story.

The gum-trees do not produce bread, nor the banksias shoulders of mutton; and, consequently, their hopes have been miserably disappointed, and they loudly proclaim their wants and sorrows in the streets. There are unfortunately in all colonies those 'refugia peccatorum' many emigrants of this class, idle and worthless, who have never done well, and never will succeed in any part of the world.

He made his speech purposely long, that Rose might not see Miss Darling's confused face. But Rose saw it, and believed as much of the gentleman's story as she chose. "And now that you have discovered it," said Rose, "I dare say we will have you flying on all occasions to this refugium peccatorum. Are you going? Don't let me frighten you away."

A brief handbook for use in the confessional first printed in tabular form, giving a very condensed exposition of each commandment, followed by a catalogue of sins prohibited and virtues enjoined. Written a month before the publication of the Theses, and published the next year. Instructio pro confessione peccatorum abbrevianda secundum decalogum.

'Bryan, said I, 'is it true that you and your father's family are preparing to go to that refugium peccatorum, America that overgrown cupping-glass which is drawing the best blood of our country out of it? "'The people of Ireland, he replied, 'have a right to bless God that there is such a country to fly to, and to resave them from a land where they're neglected and overlooked. It is true, Mr.

Qui cum Patre et Filio simul adoratur et conglorificatur. Qui locutus est per prophetas. "Et unam Catholicam et Apostolicam Ecclesiam. Confiteor unum Baptisma in remissionem peccatorum. Et exspecto Resurrectionem mortuorum. Et vitam venturi saeculi. Amen." "Well done!" said several, enjoying the last word, as being the first and only one they had recognized.

Here the Virgin is the "Refuge of Sinners," Refugium Peccatorum. Such pictures are commonly met with in chapels dedicated to services for the dead. Another class of votive pictures are especial acts of thanksgiving: 1st. For victory, as La Madonna della Vittoria, Notre Dame des Victoires.

Our Lady of good Counsel. S.M. "del Soccorso." Our Lady of Succour. Our Lady of the Forsaken. S.M. "del buon Core." Our Lady of good Heart. S.M. "della Grazia." Our Lady of Grace. S.M. "di Misericordia." Our Lady of Mercy. S.M. "Auxilium Afflictorum." Help of the Afflicted. S.M. "Refugium Peccatorum." Refuge of Sinners. S.M. "del Pianto," "del Dolore." Our Lady of Lamentation, or Sorrow.