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Oke speaks of total suppression of urine during seven days, with complete recovery; and Paxon mentions a case in a child that recovered after five days' suppression. Russell reports a case of complete obstructive suppression for twenty days followed by complete recovery. Scott and Shroff mention recovery after nine days' suppression.

"You've had a bad shake-up, and it'll do you no end of good to get away from things." When the doctor came the next day it turned out that he knew of the plan and approved it. "You ought to be quiet for a year. Just loaf and look at the landscape," he advised. Paxon felt the first faint stirrings of curiosity. "What's been the matter with me, anyway?" "Well, over-work, I suppose.

Assemblies of veterans of the Confederacy and those who address them scout the idea that they fought to preserve negro bondage. A late historian of our Civil War, Professor Paxon, of Wisconsin, holds it to be "reasonably certain" that in another generation slavery would have disappeared of itself, a contention surely open to dispute.

With his eyes shut he could put his finger upon those advertisements which ran without change and occupied set places on this page or that; such, for instance, as the two-column display of J. Wesley Paxon, Livery Barn, Horses Kept and Baited, Vehicles at all hours, Funeral Attendance a Specialty; and the two-inch notice of the American Pantorium and Pressing Club, Membership $1.00 per Month, Garments Called For and Delivered, Phone No. 41, M. Pincus, Prop.