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Brass buttons on the patroon's broad coat-skirts twinkled like yellow stars, and the spurs flashed on his quarter-gaiters as he pounded along at a solid hand-gallop, hat crammed over his fat ears, pig-tail a-bristle, and the blue coat on his enormous body white with dust.

No "man or woman, son or daughter, man servant or maid servant" could leave a patroon's service during the time that they had agreed to remain, except by his written consent, no matter what abuses or breaches of contract were committed by the patroon. "Burghers and Freemen of New York":29.

Why, the first time we ever met, we fought. You cannot remember it, but we did. He knocked me into the ashes. And then there was our dispute at Albany in the Patroon's mansion, you will recall. And then at Quebec. I have never told you of this," I went on, recklessly, "but we met that morning in the snow, as Montgomery fell. He knew me, dark as it still was, and we grappled.

The lady here described was Maria, the widow of Jeremias van Rensselaer, the original patroon's third son, who had ruled the colony from 1658 to 1674. She was a daughter of Oloff Stevensz van Cortlandt, and lived till 1689. 28th, Sunday.

"Friend," replied Mount, "I wear red quills on my moccasins, you wear bits of sea-shell. That is all the difference between us. Good-bye. Varick Manor is the first house four miles ahead." He wheeled his horse, then, as at a second thought, checked him and looked back at me. "You will see queer folk yonder at the patroon's," he said.

He felt her escape from his grasp, but not daring to leave his post, he leaned out of the window when they were opposite the square, and shook his fist at the anti-renters, exclaiming: "I'll arrest every mother's son of you! I'll evict you jail you for stealing rent!" Drowned by the answering uproar, "The patroon's dog!"

"Or lover!" interrupted the land baron. "Perhaps, however, you were only traveling to see the country! A grand tour, enlivened with studies of human nature, as well as glimpses of scenery!" "Have you anything further with me?" interjected Saint-Prosper, curtly. The patroon's blood coursed, burning, through his veins; the other's contemptuous manner stung him more fiercely than language.

Most of the money thus realized he placed in loose investments, while the remainder gradually disappeared in indulging his pleasures. At this critical stage in his fortunes or misfortunes the patroon's legacy had seemed timely, and his trip to the North followed.

For my sake, Douw, for the sake of our memories of the dear old home, I implore you to avoid an encounter. Will you not for me?" "It makes a coward out of me! Every Tory in the two counties will cackle over the story that a Dutchman, a Whig, was affronted here under the Patroon's very roof, and dared not resent it." "How much do you value their words? Must a thing be true for them to say it?

"Well," remarked Barnes as they sped down the road, "it was a happy coincidence for me that led the anti-renters to the patroon's house last night." And he proceeded to explain how when he had sought the magistrate, he found that official organizing a posse comitatus for the purpose of quelling an anticipated uprising of lease-holders.