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The chorus had vanished; they two were alone, with Charles, abashed. "Your man wanted to put me out. I'm all in, George, so I just put him out, and rang the bells for you." He sighed wearily, and added: "Anyhow, it worked." George turned a heavy face on the footman, but Dick spoke first. "Charles is a damned good servant," he said. "I know what I look like. He was in the right, so I had to evict."

Kinsella, "and to think now that they'd evict the like of him!" Lady Isabel held out her hand to Priscilla. "Goodbye," she said, "and thank you so much for all you've done. If you see my mother " "We'll see her tonight," said Priscilla. "I shan't be let in to dinner, but I'll see her afterwards when Aunt Juliet is smoking in the hope of shocking your father."

I told you, madre, my own Emmy, I forgave you for marrying, because it was a soldier. 'Perhaps a soldier is to be the happy man. But you have not told me a word of yourself. What has been done with the old Crossways? 'The house, you know, is mine. And it's all I have: ten acres and the house, furnished, and let for less than two hundred a year. Oh! how I long to evict the tenants!

You have authority to evict the widow for her debts; but you have no authority to assault her. "How much does she owe?" "Eighty dollars," is the surly reply. "Here is the money," says Harvey, as he takes a roll of bills from his pocket. "I cannot accept the money now," protests the sheriff. Then stepping up to Harvey he says in an undertone: "Mr.

He never seemed to think they might not be able to do so, nor that it was cruel to evict all for the sake of two. Lord Lucan made a great wasting also at that time.

"At least a bale to the acre," Alwyn estimated, and the Colonel mentally determined to take two-thirds of the crop. After that he decided that he would evict Zora immediately; since sufficient land was cleared already for his purposes and moreover, he had seen with consternation a herd of cattle grazing in one field on some early green stuff, and heard a drove of hogs in the swamp.

To sum up this feature of the proceeding the Republican majority of the Senate placed themselves and their party in the attitude of prosecutors in the case instead of judges sworn to give the President an impartial trial and judgment that their course had the appearance, at least, of a conspiracy to evict the President for purely partisan purposes, regardless of testimony or the facts of the case-that public animosity against Mr.

If the political objective is to achieve a level of Shock and Awe beyond only temporary paralysis, then further actions must follow. The end point will be to dominate the enemy in such a way as to achieve the desired objectives. In Desert Storm, the objectives were first to evict Iraqi forces from Kuwait and then to restore the legitimate government.

In many cases in our returns repression is so potent from long practice, that the sweetest smile, the kindest remarks or even deeds are used either to veil it to others, or to evict it from our own consciousness, or else as a self-inflicted penance for feeling it, while in some tender consciences its checked but persistent vestiges may become centers of morbid complexes and in yet other cases it burrows and proliferates more or less unconsciously, and finds secret and circuitous ways of indulgence which only psychoanalysis or a moral or religious confessional could trace.

He went back to the merry party at the hovel with a heavy heart and not until after the last of the visitors had gone home the boys swinging pine torches and giving the warwhoop to scare off any lurking wolves or catamounts did Enoch find opportunity to tell his mother of Crow Wing's warning. "Simon Halpen is surely coming to evict us," he declared.