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Fully a month had passed, and we were constantly up and down the river, and down and up the bay, with no spare moments to devote to the particular fisherman who ran a Chinese line in the bight of Turner's Shipyard. We had called in at Selby's Smelter one afternoon, while on patrol work, when all unknown to us our opportunity happened along.

That is if you will take the job " Rip's shoulders slumped a little. "You haven't left me much choice, have you? If there is illness on board, I'm under the Oath whether you are Patrol Posted or not. What's the trouble?" They got him down to Tau's laboratory and told him their story.

On the other hand Muller’s advice had been good; it would be dangerous to antagonize the officer. "I had nothing to do with those stolen horses. We found them, yes, but they were already in the canyon. And there were two men guardin’ themup on the ridge. They must have cleared out when your patrol rode in, but they were there the night before." "You saw them?" "No, our scout did."

"Where are you fellows from?" he demanded. "Woodbridge, Vermont, sir," said Bruce. "Woodbridge, Vermont? Well, you came a long way to see the races, didn't you?" he said, a boyish smile playing about the corners of his mouth. "Well, not exactly. You see we are here on business. That is, we've been hired as life guards at Old Harbor. We're going to patrol the beach for the rest of the Summer.

It was a squadron of the Garde Republicaine riding on the last patrol of the day round the ramparts of Paris. I watched them gallop through the Arc de Triomphe, their black crinieres streaming backwards like smoke from their helmets.

There's no bed in the front room, the speaker went on rapidly, 'though someone may bunk there. Of course there's a watcher in his room. Two of you must patrol the alley while Brainerd cuts out a pane or two of that closed-up alley window, to see if anything can be heard through the cracks of those inside boards, though it's probable they are padded to deaden sound.

"Let us proceed to the hangar above that we may be far to the south before he finds another way should that be possible." "All things seem possible to that vile calot," replied another voice, which I recognized as Thurid's. "Then let us haste," said Matai Shang. "But to be doubly sure, I will leave two who shall patrol this runway.

"Spies!" cried another. "Arrest them!" shouted a sergeant of the guard, at the moment coming up with a patrol, and we were both jumped upon and held by about a dozen men. In vain Raoul protested our innocence, declaring that we were only two poor fishermen, who had wet our clothes in drawing the nets. "It's not a fisherman's costume, Monsieur," said one.

Transport work with expeditionary forces, blockade and patrol in European waters, and commerce protection from the China Sea to the Baltic had in September, 1812, increased the fleet to 686 vessels in active service, including 120 of the line and 145 frigates.

Before entering, however, Ernie, who was the patrol leader, asked four of the boys to return and watch the automobile. Division of the patrol with this in view was quickly arranged, and Ernie, Clifford Long, Harry, Gilbert, and Jerry McCracken proceeded into the cave.