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Gilbert Osmond had a high appreciation of this particular patriciate; not so much for its distinction, which he thought easily surpassable, as for its solid actuality. He had never forgiven his star for not appointing him to an English dukedom, and he could measure the unexpectedness of such conduct as Isabel's.

Just as the nobility was more dangerous than the patriciate, because the former could not, like the latter, be set aside by a change of the constitution; so this new power of capital was more dangerous than that of the fourth and fifth centuries, because nothing was to be done against it by changes in the law of the land. Slavery and Its Consequences

Her name had been bandied about by traitors, her person been bought and sold as the price of the blackest sacrilege that had ever disgraced the patriciate of Rome. "And thou, Taurus Antinor," she whispered inaudibly, "art the blackest traitor amongst them all." There was no need now for the Cæsar to make further appeal to her loyalty.

No Praenestine families seem to have been taken into the Roman patriciate, as were some from Alba Longa, nor did Praeneste ever send any citizens of note to Rome, who were honored as was Cato from Tusculum, although one branch of the gens Anicia did gain some reputation in imperial times.

The close oligarchy, the patriciate, which alone could know the fixed law, alone could apply the fixed law, which was recognised as the authorised custodian of the fixed law, had then sole command over the primary social want. It alone knew the code of drill; it alone was obeyed; it alone could drill. Mr.

There is hardly a trait of the new monarchy which was not found in the old: the union of the supreme military, judicial, and administrative authority in the hands of the prince; a religious presidency over the commonwealth; the right of issuing ordinances with binding power; the reduction of the senate to a council of state; the revival of the patriciate and of the praefecture of the city.

Whether this distinction between these "curule houses" and the other families embraced within the patriciate was ever of serious political importance, cannot with certainty be either affirmed or denied; and as little do we know whether at this epoch there really was any considerable number of patrician families that were not yet curule. II. II. The Valerio-Horatian Laws I. XII. Foreign Worships

We have still to speak of the directly political functions of the rich, or, as M. Comte terms them, the patriciate. The entire political government is to be in their hands. Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, are to be separated from England, which is of course to detach itself from all its transmarine dependencies.

But it was not for nothing that the plebeian nobility had adopted the popular cause; it included the proposals in one single project of law, and after a long struggle it is said of eleven years the senate at length gave its consent and they passed in the year 387. Political Abolition of the Patriciate

The whole number of the senators remained as before, and in this the -conscripti- were also included; from which fact we are probably entitled to infer the numerical falling off of the patriciate. Conservative Character of the Revolution We thus see that in the Roman commonwealth, even on the conversion of the monarchy into a republic, the old was as far as possible retained.