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Of course, as aunt's name began with S, there was not much left of the snow-flakes when our turn came." "You ridiculous child!" said Aunt Faith, laughing, "how can you invent such exaggerations?" "Oh, Bessie can invent anything!" said Hugh, coming out from the sitting-room; "if she had charge of even the Patent-Office Reports, she would gild them into veritable romances."

Margaret had thought when she came to Washington that she should spend a good deal of time at the Capitol, listening to the eloquence of the Senators and Representatives, and that she should study the collections and the Patent-office and explore all the public buildings, in which she had such intense historical interest as a teacher in Brandon.

Let us read books not in our own line. After a man has been delving in nothing but theological works for three months, a few pages in the Patent-office Report will do him more good than Doctor Dick on "The Perseverance of the Saints."

The glass cases, the beds, the forms lying there, the gallery above, and the marble pavement under foot the suffering, and the fortitude to bear it in various degrees occasionally, from some, the groan that could not be repress'd sometimes a poor fellow dying, with emaciated face and glassy eye, the nurse by his side, the doctor also there, but no friend, no relative such were the sights but lately in the Patent-office.

In the spare room were two beds; the walls were decorated with the gay-colored pictures of patent-medicine advertisements a favorite art adornment of the region; and a pile of ancient illustrated papers with the usual patent-office report, the thoughtful gift of the member for the district.

There is a patent-office at the seat of government of the universe, whose managers are as much interested in the dispersion of seeds as anybody at Washington can be, and their operations are infinitely more extensive and regular.

The government Patent-Office, with its countless chambers, is not so large a museum of inventions as the capacious brain of to-day. One man is engrossed over an apple-parer; another snatches the needle from the weary fingers of the seamstress, and offers her in return the sewing-machine.

One poor fellow died going up. I am now remaining in and around Washington, daily visiting the hospitals. Am much in Patent-office, Eighth street, H street, Armory-square, and others.

I think we did not overdo the matter in feting and following the son of the beloved Queen of England. We had other business on hand just then a momentous Presidential election the election of Abraham Lincoln. In our capital he was treated to a ball, a visit to the Patent-Office and the tomb of Washington, and such like gaieties.

If, as His children, we fail, it must be because we have not followed the divine recipe for power and accomplishment. It was because the one hundred and twenty obeyed Christ and tarried at Jerusalem that God used the early Church to whip the Roman Empire. "How to Succeed," used as the title for a book, will make any book sell, though it be as dry as a patent-office report.