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The pastorelle was of pastoral character, usually consisting of short lines and containing a dialogue. Among the more narrative forms are found the ballad, more especially favoured by the Trouvères, or minstrels of the "Langue d'oil" regions. It gave rise to the various metres used in the epics, and sometimes formed the basis of these longer works.

Between us with prose as the medium, of course, since verse should, after all, confine itself to the commemoration of heroes and royal persons I believe we might make of this occurrence a neat and moving pastorelle I should say, pastoral, of course, but my wits are wool-gathering." Mr. Gay had the kindest heart in the universe.

We will open the state-rooms. There is not a grander suite in all Italy. It is superb. I will dance a quadrille with the marchesa. Bagatella! I shall insist on it. I will execute a solo in the figure of the pastorelle. I will show Baldassare and all the young men the finish of the old style. People did steps then they did not jump like wild horses nor knock each other down.

"But I must be hurrying home now," the girl said, "for it is high time I were back in the hayfields." "Fair shepherdess," he implored, "for heaven's sake, let us not cut short the pastorelle thus abruptly." "And what manner of beast may that be, pray?" "'Tis a conventional form of verse, my dear, which we at present strikingly illustrate.

The plan of a pastorelle is simplicity's self: a gentleman, which I may fairly claim to be, in some fair rural scene such as this comes suddenly upon a rustic maiden of surpassing beauty. He naturally falls in love with her, and they say all manner of fine things to each other." She considered him for a while before speaking. It thrilled him to see the odd tenderness that was in her face.