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Others, proud of their husbands' standing and of their wealth, could not invent enough unspoken affronts and patronizing phrases to humiliate the little parvenue. Sidonie included them all in a single phrase: "Claire's friends that is to say, my enemies!" But she was seriously incensed against but one. The two partners had no suspicion of what was taking place between their wives.

That impertinent little parvenue!" replied Madame de Fleury. "I would never forgive Mademoiselle Melanie if she consented to anything of the kind. I suppose the banker's wife imagines this delicate green would tone down her milk-maid complexion. But she shall not try the experiment." At this moment Mrs. Gilmer herself reëntered.

In Le Voleur, edited by Maurice Alhoy, he published La Grisette Parvenue, A Working Girl's Sunday, and Letters on Paris, a series of articles, incisive and farsighted, dealing with French politics.

I knew nothing whatever about it until just before the elopement the very day before, in fact, when I surprised them together in a motor-car. I spoke to the girl that night, of course, kindly but severely. I had no idea she could do such a thing! It must have been in her mind a long time. The girl showed great powers of duplicity, all the trickiness of a parvenue, to be quite frank.

"Well, then, child, Wenceslas had better come with me to see the lender, who will oblige him at my request. It is Madame Marneffe. If you flatter her a little for she is as vain as a parvenue she will get you out of the scrape in the most obliging way. Come yourself and see her, my dear Hortense."

They did not talk much to her, because she was but a newcomer and a parvenue, but she gathered from them in a little time that there was to be a ball for a marriage festivity at the house to which the greenhouse was attached. Each flower wondered if it would be chosen to go to it.

Ham had never feared that his mother would reveal the taint of the parvenue when she faced the batteries of criticism which guard the outposts of the social world to which his own prominence gave the entrée. And Paul, with his gentle love of comfort and his thoughts that strayed into dreams and music, found the perfumed atmosphere of a drawing-room very congenial.

Others, proud of their husbands' standing and of their wealth, could not invent enough unspoken affronts and patronizing phrases to humiliate the little parvenue. Sidonie included them all in a single phrase: "Claire's friends that is to say, my enemies!" But she was seriously incensed against but one. The two partners had no suspicion of what was taking place between their wives.

Again Helen spoke; she told how she had at last succeeded in rousing her husband to exertion how, with an art worthy a better cause, she had persuaded him that his country demanded his assistance how he had been led almost to believe that the safety of England was in the hands of the freeholders of L ; and then she pictured her own triumph, as the wife of the successful candidate, over the woman who had called her a parvenue.

She had no fancy for its conglomerate societies, its literary cottages, its parvenue suits of rooms, its saloon habits, and its bathing herds. I considered the rides a part of the contract of what was expected in my two months' performance. I did not dream that I was enjoying them, any more than I supposed myself to be enjoying a sea-bath while pulling Aunt Eliza to and fro in the surf.