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Williams, a moment later, fell desperately wounded; Dennis, suffering from a severe head wound, at first refused to quit the field, but Cameron having removed the sorely-stricken Macdonell, and Williams having recovered consciousness and escaped, the dispirited men fell back, retreated down the mountain at Parrott's Tavern, retiring upon Vrooman's battery.

Symes" every line of Parrott's face was deep-lined with anxiety as he spoke "but, of course, I've made you these loans largely upon my own responsibility, I've exceeded my authority, in fact, and any failure on your part " Mr. Parrott finding himself floundering under Symes's cold gaze blurted out desperately, "Well, 'twould break us!"

At the corner of Montgomery and California streets stood Parrott's granite block, the stone for which was cut in China and assembled in 1852 by Chinese workmen imported for the purpose. Wilson's Exchange was in Sansome Street near Sacramento. The American Theater was opposite. Where the Bank of California stands there was a seed store.

But now Joel flew by, dropping the rope, and rushed into the house, and Polly was left to drag David to the door, and call to Mamsie to help lift him off. But she stopped to say to Miss Parrott's man, "I must stop to speak to Mamsie, first, if you please."

Miss Parrott bore this for a breathing-space, and then without a warning she slipped off from her chair and went quickly down to the end of the table. "I'm not blaming you, you poor little thing," she declared, bending over the dark hair; "don't think so, Rachel." Rachel turned with a swift movement and hid her face in the laces falling from Miss Parrott's breast. "I want to go home to Mrs.

And then Polly got there, and Davie was lifted off the sled and carried into the house, and among all three of them the story was out. And there was Miss Parrott's man sitting stiffly on the front seat of the sleigh, only his head was turned, and his eyes were staring like all possessed at the little brown house. "Now, Polly," said Mrs.

I crack him; I bring him home. I sit again at the feet of my beautiful Urania, and I label him 'Freestone, 'Granite; but I do not say 'from Parrott's Bank' eet is not necessary for our happiness." "And you do this sort of thing only because you think it pleases your wife?" I asked bluntly.

Rachel, whose spirits had risen, since it was quite positive that the note was not lost, now seized Miss Parrott's hand and hopped and skipped by her side across the green grass on their return to the mansion. Simmons came out of his retirement, his chamois skin with which he had been ostensibly polishing up a carriage, still in his hand, to stand in the doorway to watch them.

It was a wild little thing that she had heard from the hand organs and the people singing it in the streets of the big city. Just then old Miss Parrott's stately, ancestral coach drove up. The parson's wife hurried to the front door, which was seldom opened except for special company like the present. "I heard," said Miss Parrott, as Mrs.

"Die!" exclaimed Hooper, finding his voice. "She won't die with that young one here," he added, in scorn. "Now may I dance?" pleaded Rachel, plucking Miss Parrott's sleeve. "Do let me; you said I might." "Yes," said Miss Parrott, wrenching herself away from the operatic strains, to begin on a little old-fashioned jig.