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The matter will drop out of sight completely in a few days; meanwhile, monsieur, I return as I came. The morning is fine and I shall enjoy my walk back to the station at Bois Clair. Monsieur le curé, you have my card. At any time in your paroisse should you have any more interesting family secrets to divulge, pray do not forget my address. Allons!

Ignace, and I send my peep there with good things to eat; he will tell you, sir, of the old tam and all about the corvée when every one in the paroisse do same thing; one man feesh, another man beeg chickenne or turkey, another patackes, another flour from the mill.

But fortunately detractors were absent, and such trifling discrepancies did not lessen the genuine delight afforded the spectators by this unique design which, as a card proudly informed the world, was entirely the work of the employés of the firm. It was in a pâtisserie in the Rue de la Paroisse that we noticed an uninviting compound labelled "Pudding Anglais, 2 fr. 1/2 kilo."

Messages and parcels then passed between the domain and the village; Father Rielle made his call and the whole village and paroisse quickened with energy under Pauline's determined sway.

"Va ... A monsieur le Curé Lui dire que sa paroisse Est tout bouleversee." Curé L'Archeveque, black skull-cap on head, was in the best of humour, playing with his little dog in the ample reception-room of the parsonage, when a laborer came and brought an account of several late doings in the village.

As Fenwick crossed the Rue de la Paroisse, a lady on the other side of the road, who was hurrying in the opposite direction, stopped suddenly at sight of him, and stared excitedly. She was a woman no longer young, much sunburnt, with high cheek-bones and a florid complexion. He did not notice her, and after a moment's hesitation she resumed her walk.

JULIEN RAYMOND LA BRIERRE, ne a la paroisse St. Landry, le 29 Mai; MDCCCXXVIII; et de leur fille, EULALIE, agee de 4 as et 5 mois, Qui tous perirent dans la grande tempete qui balaya L'Ile Derniere, le 10 Aout, MDCCCLVI ..... + ..... Priez pour eux! Yet six months afterward the face of Julien La Brierre was seen again upon the streets of New Orleans.

It has no grain and will take a beautiful polish. Casgrain, "Une Paroisse Canadienne au XVIIe Siècle," Oeuvres, Vol. 1, pp. 530 sqq. We believe in Thee our God; do thou strengthen our faith; We hope in thee; confirm our hope; we repent of all our Sins; but do thou increase our repentance.

But Catherine Fontaine knew well every single stone she stepped on, and, as she could have found her way to the church with her eyes shut, she reached without difficulty the corner of the Rue aux Nonnes and the Rue de la Paroisse, where the timbered house stands with the tree of Jesse carved on one of its massive beams.

With each other, with Nature, and with the Church they had to do and thought it enough to keep the peace with all three. Yet change was in the air, destiny or fate inevitable. The moving on process or progressive spirit was about to infect the obscure, remote, ignorant, contented little paroisse of Juchereau de St.