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He looked as fresh and gallant a figure as ever in his life; his beard trimmed sharply, his strong hair brushed back, his doublet green, his trunks of fine leather, his shoes of yet finer. The song he was upon was Li Chastel d' Amors, which runs Las portas son de parlar Al eissir e al entrar: Qui gen non sab razonar, Defors li ven a estar. E las claus son de prejar: Ab cel obron li cortes

I am so comfortable here. And why have you brought those two men with you?" "Have you forgotten our dinner at Tragara?" asked San Miniato. "Tragara!" gasped the Marchesa. "You are not going to take me to Tragara! Good heavens! I am utterly exhausted! I shall die before we get to the boat." "Altro è parlar di morte altro è morire," laughed San Miniato, quoting the famous song.

See, I have written them down for you." And he handed Kelson a slip of paper, on which were transcribed "Darkona, droomer, doober, parlar, poohmer, perler. A ta rama skatarinek ook drooksi noomeg viartikorsa."

Ogni dolcezza, ogni pensiero umile Nasee nel core a chi parlar la sente; Ond' e beato chi prima la vide. Quel ch'ella par quand' un poco sorride, Non si pub dicer, ne tener a mente, Si e nuovo miracolo gentile." DANTE: la Vita Nuova. By that delightful morning when the hay-ricks at Stone Court were scenting the air quite impartially, as if Mr.

Is she alone at Rouen? And if misfortune does not mislead me by these certain traces, is there anything in reserve for me worse than losing her? Oh! if such be the case, then is the time to pray God for strength to repeat the other two verses of the poet: "Col mio rival istesso, Posso di te parlar!" Farewell, for a short time, dear Edgar. I fly to fathom this mystery. RICHEPORT, July 6th, 18 .

Here was the castle there is nothing of it now where the thirteenth-century troubadour was born whom Petrarch described as 'Il grande maestro d'amore, and whom Dante made Guido speak of as a poet in these words of unqualified praise: 'Questi ch' io ti scerno Fu miglior fabbro del parlar materno: Versi d'amore e prose di romanzi Soverchio tutti.

"Imagination and simplicity, justness and elevation, strength and tenderness, are united," said he, "in the same person to give incessant variety to all the pleasures of the mind: we may apply to her, this charming verse of Petrarch: Il parlar che nell' anima si sente.

Would anyone wish that mouth for her kiss? How do you know? Why did you write it then? Mouth, south. Is the mouth south someway? Or the south a mouth? Must be some. South, pout, out, shout, drouth. Rhymes: two men dressed the same, looking the same, two by two. ........................ la tua pace .................. che parlar ti piace .... mentreché il vento, come fa, si tace.

And because his views if he had any had not been over-luminously set forth in this his maiden oration, a party of zealous advocates had nearly caused an uproar by their irrepressible shout of "Non c'e da parlar', ma da fare!" which was, in truth, too sure an indication of the temper of the people to be ignored. "We do not want talking but doing!"

I say my fear had been considerable, especially of the man with the knife, but I got too angry to remember it, and advancing my face also to this insulter's I shouted, 'Dio Ladro! Dios di mi alma! Sanguinamento! Nombre di Dios! Che? Che vole? Non sono da Venezia io! Sono de Francia! Je m'en fiche da vestra Venezia! Non se vede che non parlar vestra lingua? Che sono forestiere? and so forth.