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Langhope was always careful to temper his explanations with an "as you know": he would have thought it ill-bred to omit this parenthesis in elucidating the social code to his son-in-law. "Then you mean that I can do nothing?" Amherst exclaimed. Mr. Langhope smiled.

Of Paul's thirteen letters Ephesians is peculiarly the prayer letter. Paul is clearly in a prayer mood. He is on his knees here. He has much to say to these people whom he has won to Christ, but it comes in the parenthesis of his prayer. The connecting phrase running through is "for this cause I pray.... I bow my knees."

Many allusions which flashed like lightning upon the minds of the Senators must be explained in a parenthesis, and many a home-thrust and caustic sarcasm are now deprived of their sting, which pierced sharply at the moment of their utterance some twenty centuries ago.

I may say in parenthesis that long before Thatcher's day many great and good Hoosiers scattered birdshot over the Kankakee marshes which, alack! have been drained to increase Indiana's total area of arable soil. John Ware, an ancient and honorable son of the tribe of Nimrod, was the best of comrades.

Passons, as papa says, and, in parenthesis, don't be vexed with my verbosity. By the way, I always say a lot, that is, use a great many words and talk very fast, and I never speak well. And why do I use so many words, and why do I never speak well? Because I don't know how to speak. People who can speak well, speak briefly. So that I am stupid, am I not?

"What dost thou start at, Conachar?" said Simon, addressing himself, by way of parenthesis, to the mountain disciple; "wilt thou never learn to mind thy own business, without listening to what is passing round thee? What is it to thee that an Englishman thinks that cheap which a Scottishman may hold dear?"

You look back at the City so often from some grassy hill-top hugely compact within its walls, with St. Peter's overtopping all things and yet seeming small, and the vast girdle of marsh and meadow receding on all sides to the mountains and the sea that you come to remember it at last as hardly more than a respectable parenthesis in a great sweep of generalisation.

His actions created greatest interest, especially to Parenthesis, who peered under the seat, to see the wheels go round. Fresno threw his leg over the seat as if mounting a horse. "Well, boys, what'll you have?" he asked, glancing from one to the other in imitation of the manner of his friend, the pianist in the Tucson honkytonk, on a lively evening.

He knew death was the penalty of the crime of which he stood accused. He felt that a stout denial would gain him time, and that Buck and his outfit might come up and save him. "Polite your conversation in the presence of a lady," cried Parenthesis, nodding toward Echo. "That calf was follerin' my cow," answered Peruna sullenly.

Boswell there represents him as saying: 'A man who loses at play, or who runs out his fortune at court, makes his estate less, in hopes of making it bigger. Boswell adds in a parenthesis: 'I am sure of this word, which was often used by him. He had been criticised by a writer in the Gent. Mag. 1785, p. 968, who quoting from the text the words 'a big book, says: 'Mr.