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"She's the Gaston de Paree, a yot seen her in T'lon harbour and seen her again at Suez, she's a thousand tonner, y'can't mistake them funnels nor the width of them, she's a twenty knotter and the chap that owns her is a king or somethin'; last time I saw her she was off to the China seas, they say she's all cluttered up with dredges and dipsy gear, and she mostly spends her time takin' soundin's and scrabblin' up shell fish and such that's his way of amusin' himself."

Oh, you should go to Paree to live it is not here that one appreciates du genie!" And, then while Thyrsis was working out an explanation of his failure to visit Paris, some one in the cafe caught sight of Scarpi, and there was a general call for him; and according to the genial custom of the "Boheme" he stood up, amid tumultuous applause, and sang one of his own rollicking songs.

It was Nuts for Claudine to assemble all of the Noblemen to be picked up around the Lobby and give them a free run and jump at the Carte du Jour. Her Dinners soon became the talk of the Chambermaids employed at the Hotel. Any one willing to cut loose on Caviar and stuff raised under Glass will never have to dine alone in gay Paree.

Again was that noticeable lack of excitement: everyone calmly took his personal belongings and prepared to get down when the guard, in an unimportant voice, should call out "Paree," which you would not hear if you were not listening.

She used to say quality was the thing, and was never satisfied till she got the best lawn, soft as silk, but she never had much trimming on them. Cut plain and full, was almost always her directions. Well, now yes, I guess you'll have to wait till you go to Paree before you replenish that side of your wardrobe. Is your Mr. Hawtree free with his money?" "Yes, yes!" rejoined Pauline hurriedly.

Under the circumstances it requires self-hypnotism of a high order, and plenty of it, to make an American think he is enjoying himself. Still, he frequently attains to that happy comsummation. To begin with, is he not in Gay Paree? as it is familiarly called in Rome Center and all points West? He is!

An' they beant seamen eno' to keep a full an' by with all their 'takteek'. Ez fer that Landais, I hearn him whinin' at the commodore in the round house when we was off Clear, an' sayin' as how he would tell Sartin on us when he gets back to Paree. An' jabberin to th'other Frenchmen as was there that this here butter-cask was er King's ship, an' that the commodore weren't no commodore nohow.

He had seen her twice before and no sailor who had once set eyes on her could forget her. "See that blighter," he yelled across to Raft. "Know her?" "Should think I did, she's the Gaston de Paree a yacht seen her in T'lon." Then they came down, crawling like weary men, and on deck no one abused them for their slackness or the time they'd been over their job.

"And after I've looked over your papers, I'll show you Broadway, and I'll bet you agree with me that it beats anything in gay Paree. Our boat's waiting, and we can start right away. This your bag? Yes? Bring it along, Simmonds," and Grady started for the stair. But the attentive steward got ahead of Simmonds. M. Pigot turned to us with a little smile. "Till to-morrow, gentlemen," he said.

Here we are in Gay Paree. The war's over for twenty-four hours!" To all allied soldiers on leave of absence from the front, Paris represented what McGee had voiced to Larkin a place where the war was over for the time limits of their passes.