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Here, Colin's getting out his glasses to take a look. Tom, you must have a chance too." Each in turn managed to survey the stirring spectacle as spread out upon the sea far beneath them. And the pulses of those gallant lads throbbed with pardonable pride when they realized what magnificent efforts America was making to win the war in favor of the Allies, after entering it so late herself.

"Has any clue been discovered which would indicate the murderer?" "A handful of clues." "Then you have a theory concerning the person who perpetrated this awful crime?" "My dear Leo, not a theory, but a conviction; I might almost say an absolute knowledge." "Would it be pardonable for me to ask whom you suspect; would it be a violation of professional etiquette for you to tell me?"

His Highness, however, was in much too agitated a frame of mind to turn his attention to such humdrum tasks. Furthermore, since he had pledged himself to bear a hand wherever it was needed, he felt he should be on the spot and within call. And if beneath this worthy motive lurked a certain desire to see whatever there was to be seen, who can say his curiosity was not pardonable?

"For pity's sake, Lady Dundas," said Pembroke, stepping between her shrewish ladyship and the trembling Euphemia, "do compose yourself. I dare say your daughter is pardonable. In these cases, the fault in general lies with our sex. We are the deluders."

"She did not die in in " "No, indeed," interrupted Mr. Lavender; "she is still living there." "Ah!" said the nephew. "And your brothers and sisters?" "One of my brothers," replied Mr. Lavender, with pardonable pride, "is the editor of Cud Bits. The other is a clergyman." "Eccentric," murmured the nephew absently. "Tell me, Mr. Lavender, do you find your work a great strain?

It gives me a feeling of pardonable importance, as a proprietor, that they are visible, to my eyes at least, from any part of the world in which I chance to be.

It met, in short, at every point the demand of lovely woman to be painted "strongly" because she was tired of being painted "sweetly" and yet not to lose an atom of the sweetness. "It's the last he painted, you know," Mrs. Gisburn said with pardonable pride. "The last but one," she corrected herself "but the other doesn't count, because he destroyed it." "Destroyed it?"

Naturally Tracey took The Mysterious Stranger for a drummer; he had three trunks and a heavy packing-box, so Tracey's misapprehension was pardonable.

"I am going to make sure," returned Northmour; and he stepped up to the window, holding the lamp above his head, and stood there, quietly affronting death, for half a minute. Clara sought to rush forward and pull him from the place of danger; but I had the pardonable selfishness to hold her back by force. "Yes," said Northmour, turning coolly from the window, "it's only Huddlestone they want."

Of the scores of inscriptions commemorative of his hunting-feats, which Boone with pardonable pride was accustomed throughout his life time to engrave with his hunting-knife upon trees and rocks, the earliest known is found upon a leaning beech tree, only recently fallen, near his camp and the creek which since that day has borne his name.