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In a few moments Molly had whisked things about, and arranged the jackstraws on a small table near the bed. But Marjorie could not reach them very well, so Molly changed her plan. "I'll fix it," she said, and laying the Parcheesi board on the bed, she climbed up herself, and sitting cross-legged like a little Turk, she tossed the jackstraws out on the flat board, and the game began in earnest.

They had a jolly time and followed the jackstraws with a game of Parcheesi. Then Jane came up with some freshly baked cookies and two glasses of milk. "Why, how the time has flown!" cried Marjorie, "it's half-past eleven, and it doesn't seem as if you'd been here more than five minutes, Molly."

"We can't get up a fancy dress party in a few hours," objected Adele Kenerley. "Let's have a contest of some sort, with prizes. Tennis, or basket ball." "Oh, it's too warm for those things," said Laurence Cromer. "Let's do something quieter. I'll tell you what, let's play Human Parcheesi! Just the thing." "What IS Human Parcheesi?" asked Patty, interested at once.

Hadn't Veronica studied abroad for two years under Parcheesi, who'd begged her almost on his knees to do the title rôle in a new opera he was goin' to try out before the King of Bavaria? Uh-huh! We had that straight from Mrs. Adams, who wa'n't much for boostin' the fam'ly. But no stagework for her!

Or some of your friends have come in for a game of dominoes or authors or snap or parcheesi or stage coach or pussy-wants-a-corner, or to try that new song you learned last week; and you will be surprised how quickly the time flies away and bedtime or study hour comes.

"I didn't think it was so late, either," and then the two girls did full justice to the little luncheon, while the all-useful Parcheesi board served as a table. "Now," said Marjorie, when the last crumbs had disappeared, "let's mix up the two games. The jackstraws will be people, and your family can live in that corner of the Parcheesi board, and mine will live in this.

So carefully was the measuring done that at a short distance it looked exactly like a parcheesi board, except the colouring. "Now," said Cromer, when the ground was ready, "each of you four 'Players' must fix up your corner 'Homes' with a different colour." So Daisy chose pink, and Mona blue, and Mr. Kenerley yellow, and Laurence Cromer green.

When the twine arrived, it was stretched on these pegs, until the whole lawn was diagrammed like a parcheesi board. There were the four squares in the corners, representing "Homes," there was a large square in the centre, and the paths were marked into regular rectangles with a "Safety Spot" in every fifth space.

Now let's cut out that party and try to forget it." There were some quiet games provided for the children, and so they played parcheesi and authors until bedtime, for though the billiard room was hardly within hearing of their grandparents, yet they did not feel like playing romping games. "I don't think I shall ever holler again," said King.

Now it's half-past ten. I move we eat our foods, and then we can have a good time playing parcheesi or jack-straws." They drew up to the nursery table, and endeavored to enjoy the cookies and apples. "How funny things taste at night," said Kitty. "I'm not hungry, after all." "You'd better wash your face again," said Marjorie, looking at her sister's drooping eyelids.