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"That's all, I think," said Mr Hawthorn triumphantly at last, as he emerged from the depths of the wagonette, and surveyed his labours; "there's not much room left for us, certainly, but I daresay we shall manage." As he spoke Bridget came out of the house carrying a waterproof bundle, bristling with umbrellas and parasols.

Did he know how to help her in his own grim gruff way? He himself had suffered so much; perhaps he did know. BERNARDINE was playing chess one day with the Swedish Professor. On the Kurhaus terrace the guests were sunning themselves, warmly wrapped up to protect themselves from the cold, and well-provided with parasols to protect themselves from the glare.

When he spread more than pint of water over one of those dresses, he would give a pleasant little laugh, and say: "I beg your pardon, I'm sure;" and offer them his handkerchief to wipe it off with. "Oh, it's of no consequence," the poor girls would murmur in reply, and covertly draw rugs and coats over themselves, and try and protect themselves with their lace parasols.

The young man's movements, however, betrayed no consistency of attention not even, for that matter, when one of his arrests had proceeded from possibilities in faces shaded, as they passed him on the pavement, by huge beribboned hats, or more delicately tinted still under the tense silk of parasols held at perverse angles in waiting victorias.

They parried their adversary's blows as long as they could with their parasols, but these did not long avail; Madame Pfeiffer's broke in the struggle, leaving only a fragment of the handle in her hand.

Some of them not those of the highest rank, but such as sold fruit from baskets and carried burdens clapped their shrivelled hands, and raised a weazen, piping, shrill 'Hurrah, my lord. Others waved their hands or handkerchiefs, or shook their fans or parasols, or threw up windows and called in haste to those within, to come and see.

If we had trimmed parasols and eaten tinned food for supper for a year or two, Kitty, I imagine we should become very tearful too. Miss Sherard unloosed the rose-coloured ribbon which bound her hair, and beginning to brush out her curls she said 'Yes, slowly, and turned to other topics. 'Do you ever feel quite old, Jane? she said at last. 'I do, especially during a long frost.

Five minutes later the four girls trooped down the steps and strolled through the familiar streets in the direction of their old playground. The afternoon sun beamed so gently and kindly upon them that it was not long before they closed their parasols and walked with their heads uncovered to his tempered rays.

My heart beat quickly, my eyes were fixed upon the spot; but nothing appeared except a maid who brought out some towels, which she hung on a bush to dry. Then again I watched and watched. After a time four people came out from the house, two of them carrying colored parasols. I knew them instantly.

For the sake of the slight air that was stirring, and to have the best view of the Rapids, the Banshee's whole company was gathered upon the forward promenade, and the throng was almost as dense as in a six-o'clock horse-car out from Boston. The standing and sitting groups were closely packed together, and the expanded parasols and umbrellas formed a nearly unbroken roof.