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The creeping and parasite plants cling but feebly to the branches which they embrace; the united weight of their stalks is considerable, and you run the risk of pulling down a whole mass of verdure, if, in walking on a sloping ground, you support your weight by the lianas. The farther we advanced the thicker the vegetation became.

Trevor's death when a surveyor was called in by Marmaduke to put the old house in order, that a disused well at the back of the house was found to be half filled with hundreds of whisky bottles secretly thrown in by Phineas McPhail. The Dean and Mr. Manningtree, although ignorant of McPhail's habits, agreed in calling him a lazy hound and a parasite on their fond sister-in-law.

The motto of the worker is, "I owe the world a life," and the motto of the parasite is, "The world owes me a living." When the parasite happens to be poor we call him a pauper; but there is a world of difference between poverty and pauperism.

He promised to show us some pictures he has of the South American parasite. I have seen them, and I can assure you they are very curious. The following verses were found in the urn, or sugar-bowl.

And she was but the parasite that fed upon this soul. The room stifled her. She fetched her cape and hat. They were lying upon his table, and as she took them she could see the sheets of an unfinished letter. The writing was firm and fine, with the regular alignment and spacing of one who is deft about handwork.

"What, sir you, an interloper, an adventurer, a nobody, a parasite do you suppose I am going to be talked to by you as if I didn't know my own duty. Do you know, Master Usher, that you can any day receive a week's notice of dismissal " "A month's, I think," observed the tutor, taking up his hat. "In that respect, perhaps, I have the advantage of the solicitor to the trust.

Is it a tithe for her personal maintenance, or a sample tested for the benefit of her coming grub? I should not like to say. What I do know is that, after a certain number of these tastings, I catch her stopping in a cell, with her abdomen at the bottom and her head at the orifice. This is the moment of laying, unless I am much mistaken. When the parasite is gone, I inspect the home.

At a season when the pleasant South-western Island has few attractions to other than invalids and hermits enamoured of wind and rain, the potent nobleman, Lord Mountfalcon, still lingered there to the disgust of his friends and special parasite. "Mount's in for it again," they said among themselves. "Hang the women!" was a natural sequence.

Everything is most carefully closed: a layer of rough plaster, at least two-fifths of an inch thick, entirely covers the central accumulation of cells, which are each of them sealed with a thick mortar plug. And it is the honey of these well-guarded chambers that has to be reached by piercing a wall almost as hard as rock. The parasite pluckily sets to; the idler becomes a glutton for work.

A parasite may be stamped out by destroying its germs, but a pathological product can only be annihilated by removing the conditions which give rise to it. It appears to me that this great problem will have to be solved for each zymotic disease separately, for analogy cuts two ways.