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"Because, to one who isn't interested, it is an extremely dull subject. However, it is better that you should know as you don't seem to have learnt it at school. Here goes: marsh gas, or methane as it is sometimes called, is the first of the group of hydrocarbons known as paraffins. Whether that conveys anything to you I don't know. But you've asked for knowledge and I mean you to have it."

Marsh-gas is the first of the series of hydro-carbons known chemically as the paraffins, and is an extremely light substance, being little more than half the weight of an equal bulk of air.

So with the long list of hydrocarbons gaseous, liquid, and solid called paraffins, that are obtained from petroleum and that are all composed of hydrogen and carbon, but with a different number of atoms of each, like a different number of a's or b's or c's in a word. What an enormous number of bodies Nature forms out of oxygen by uniting it chemically with other primary elements!

Nikolai could not help keeping watch through the kitchen window, and left his mother, who sat inside by the paraffins lamp, without any answer. They were Kristofa and Kalla, those two who were standing there in the street talking, while they slid backwards and forwards the whole time on a little bit of ice. They were waiting for somebody Silla perhaps; they were standing close by her street.

I do not say tar, but more concentrated fuels, such as crude naphthas, paraffins, and pitch oil. When you see one of our large steamers taking coal into her bunker, it must have appeared to you that there was great waste of power here. Every ton of coal laid in must require a certain amount of power to carry it; and every ton of coal so laid in reduces the cargo-carrying power to this extent.