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Some hours later she said: "If you are blind enough to care for a maimed thing like me, I can't help it. I shall never understand it to my dying day," she added with a long sigh. "And you will marry me?" "I suppose I've got to," she replied. And with the old pantherine twist of her body she slid from her easy-chair to the ground and buried her face on my knees. And that is the end of my story.

She had finished luncheon in her private room and was sitting over her coffee. I joined her. She wore the black blouse and skirt with which I have not yet been able to grow familiar, as it robbed her of the peculiar fascinating quality which I have tried to suggest by the word pantherine.

The effort evoked in my mind a picture of Lola lithe, seductive, exotic, with gold flecks in her dusky, melting eyes, with strong shapely arms that had as yet only held me motherwise, with her pantherine suggestion of tremendous strength in languorous repose, with her lazy gestures and parted lips showing the wonderful white even teeth, with all her fascination and charm a picture of Lola such as I had not seen since my emergence from the Valley a picture of Lola, generous, tender, wistful, strong, yielding, fragrant, lovable, desirable, amorous a picture of Lola which I could not put before this other woman equally brave and straight, who looked at me composedly out of her calm, blue eyes.

Dale filled the room with his clear young laugh, and turned on every light in the place. Lola and I exchanged glances she had adopted her usual lazy pantherine attitude in the armchair and her glance was not that of a happy woman to whom a longed-for lover had unexpectedly come. Its real significance I could not divine, but it was more wistful than merely that of a fellow-conspirator.

I used to know him well before he became known as an outlaw," she added after a perceptible hesitation. "There's something ravenous about him." "You mean that he is fierce and bloodthirsty?" "No I don't mean that; though, for that matter, I don't think he would stick at anything. What I mean is that he is pantherine in his movements more lithe and supple than most men are." "Is he a big man?"

I stepped into the drawing-room close by and drew up a telegram to Dale. "Lady summoned by Papadopoulos on private affairs. Avoid lunacy save for electioneering purposes. Then I joined Lola and Colonel Bunnion. She was lying back in her laziest and most pantherine attitude, and she looked up at me as I approached with eyes full of velvet softness.

In the way she sped through the mesquit, evading the clutch of the cholla by supple dips to right and left, there was a kind of pantherine litheness. At the summit she waited for the horse to clamber up the shale after her. "Get down in your collar, you Buckskin," she urged, and when the pony was again beside her petted the animal with little love pats on the nose.

Senta's was an almost pathetic and very obvious desire to be considered daring, pantherine, seductive, dangerous. Jim, fancying he understood her perfectly, played into her hand. He would not flirt with her, but he took her at her own valuation, and they saw a good deal of each other.

An indoor dress of brown and gold striped Indian silk clung to her figure, which, largely built, had an appearance of great strength. Dark bronze hair and dark eyes, that in the soft light of the room glowed with deep gold reflections, completed the pantherine suggestion. She seemed to be on the verge of thirty. A most dangerous woman, I decided one to be shut up in a cage with thick iron bars.

No doubt she could eat blood puddings with relish and had a discriminating palate for claret. Truly, a perplexing lady. "You must find leisure in London a great change after your adventurous career," said I, by way of polite conversation. "I just love it. I'm as lazy as a cat," she said, settling with her pantherine grace among the cushions.