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Her mother's valedictory, given with more confidence now that Portia was out of the house, was a strong recommendation that Rose stay quietly within doors and keep warm. The girl might have palmed off her own inclination as an example of filial obedience, but she didn't. "I was going to, anyway," she said. "Home and fireside for mine to-day." Ordinarily, the gale would have tempted her.

He could not make them out, but he knew the ship was a bomber returning from Huls. There was no time for further looking. The Thunderbolt hit and hit hard, as though she had slammed into a stone wall. She slewed around, jerked and bobbed, slamming Stan back against his shock pad. He palmed the hatch cover open and kicked loose from his belt and chute harness.

There was hardly a poor bit in the lot; and my wonder grew at Neave's madness. All over Europe, dealers began to be fighting for the spoils; and all kinds of stuff were palmed off on the unsuspecting as fragments of the Daunt collection! Meanwhile, what was Neave doing? For a long time I didn't hear, and chance kept me from returning to Rome.

Hail, holy nakedness of our dancing girls! the Heeva-Heeva! Ah! low veiled, high palmed Tahiti! I still rest me on thy mat, but the soft soil has slid! I saw thee woven in the wood, my mat! green the first day I brought ye thence; now worn and wilted quite. Ah me! not thou nor I can bear the change! How then, if so be transplanted to yon sky?

"Still, from what I've heard, it's more likely gone down to its deserts. It would seem hard for a hotel with so many awned-off corridors an' palmed embrasures with teet-a-teet sofas, to live along without sin." She stood on her step-ladder, wiping the face of the picture as she spoke, and as she began to back down she discovered the cat under her elbow, glaring at the picture. "Yes, Kitty!

Snatching up Solomon, who had parted with his protecting ring, he flung him four hundred parasangs away from Jerusalem, and then palmed himself off as the king. Banished from his home, deprived of his realm, Solomon wandered about in far-off lands, among strangers, begging his daily bread.

Well, Nino is a great singer now, of course, but he was little once; and when he palmed himself off on the old count for an Italian master without my knowledge, nobody had ever heard of him at all.

Darwin, although it was not possible to suppose him ignorant of the interpolations that had been made, nor of the obvious purpose of the concluding sentence, had nevertheless palmed off an article which had been added to and made to attack "Evolution, Old and New," as though it were the original article which appeared before that book was written. I could not and would not believe that Mr.

He told a friend of ours so in company, and would have palmed himself upon him for a Scotchman, but that his countenance betrayed him." It is amusing to note that Maginn, writing the text to accompany the Maclise portrait of Lamb in Fraser's Magazine in 1835, gravely states that Lamb's name was really Lomb, and that he was of Jewish extraction.

The relations, generally speaking, are as real here as the terms are, and the only complaint of the transcendentalist's with which I could at all sympathize would be his charge that, by first making knowledge to consist in external relations as I have done, and by then confessing that nine-tenths of the time these are not actually but only virtually there, I have knocked the solid bottom out of the whole business, and palmed off a substitute of knowledge for the genuine thing.