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The one done by himself for the King of France. Also in France, having been purchased from the Grand Duke of Tuscany. The one mentioned above, done for G. B. della Palla. A smaller one, painted for Paolo da Terra Rossa; a fine painting, for which the artist asked so small a price that the purchaser was ashamed to pay it. Paolo sent it to Naples.

The teacher was a long, lank man, in a black threadbare coat, and a skull-cap exactly like the schoolmaster in "The Deserted Village." We made a pretense of asking him our way to somewhere, and went wrong, and came by accident upon a wide flat space, bare as a brick-yard, beside which was lettered on a fragment of the old city wall, "Giuoco di Palla."

Palla, who was an agent for Francis I. in works of Italian art, antiques, and bric-a-brac, had long purposed a journey into France; and Michelangelo, considering the miserable state of Italian politics, agreed to join him. These explanations will suffice to make the import of Michelangelo's letter clear. "Battista, dearest friend, I left Florence, as I think you know, meaning to go to France.

Last, the head tirewoman herself came to perform what was, after the hair-dressing, the most delicate of all these operations the adjustment of the cyclas or over-robe, a garment of the finest texture and of a shade known as wax-colour, through which the tint and ornamentation of the palla produced an effect of inimitable beauty.

But at the first scraping of the violins as the orchestra tuned up, he glued his eyes to the curtain, which rose at last. Then, then he saw, in a Roman palace, leaning on the back of a chair of antique shape, a woman who wore over her robe of white woollen the saffron-hued palla.

The bust he made of Marietta di Palla degli Strozzi enables us to compare his style in portraiture with that of Mino. It would be hard to find elsewhere a more captivating combination of womanly sweetness and dignity. We feel, in looking at these products of the best age of Italian sculpture, that the artists who conceived them were, in the truest sense of the word, gentle.

Messer Palla Rucellai having commissioned him to execute an altar-piece that was to be placed on his altar in S. Maria Novella, Giuliano began to paint in it the Martyrdom of S. Catharine the Virgin. Mountains in labour!

The siege of Florence took place about this time ; the dealer, Battista della Palla, had his head cut off in his dungeon at Pisa, and all hope of his mediation with Francis I. was at an end. The Charity was sold to Domenico Conti, the painter, after Andrea's death, and thence passed into the hands of the Antinori family. The Sacrifice of Abraham has had more vicissitudes.

"There are two presents to be made to an enemy palla calda o ferro freddo: hot shot or cold steel." The Corsican code of honor does not require that vengeance be taken in fair fight. Rather should there be a sudden thrust of the knife, or a pistol fired point-blank into the enemy's breast, or a rifle-shot from some ambush picked in advance.

Even the high-souled Palla degli Strozzi, who had striven to remain neutral, and whose wealth and talents were devoted to the revival of classical studies, was proscribed because to Cosimo he seemed too powerful. Separated from his children, he died in banishment at Padua.