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It was strange he should come back like this "romantic," as he said himself. Mattie's reverie was interrupted by Selena. Angular, pale-eyed Mrs. Ford was as unlike the plump, rosy Mattie as a sister could be. Perhaps her chronic curiosity, which would not let her rest, was accountable for her excessive leanness.

But now, among these pale-eyed and ferocious zealots, whose hardened brows were soon to be bent, not merely with indifference, but with triumph, upon his execution, without a friend to speak a kindly word, or give a look either of sympathy or encouragement, awaiting till the sword destined to slay him crept out of the scabbard gradually, and as it were by strawbreadths, and condemned to drink the bitterness of death drop by drop, it is no wonder that his feelings were less composed than they had been on any former occasion of danger.

Next time she knocked and he came to her pale-eyed, but his face almost luminous, and a smile hovering about his lips: she knew then that either a battle had been fought amongst the hills, and he had won, or a thought-storm had been raging, through which at length had descended the meek-eyed Peace.

The countenance is sure to be one bent on discountenancing my innocent intentions: it is pale-eyed, incapable of being amused when I am amused or indignant at what makes me indignant; it stares at my presumption, pities my ignorance, or is manifestly preparing to expose the various instances in which I unconsciously disgrace myself.

And together with the Yamkas perished also the house, familiar to us, of the stout, old, pale-eyed Anna Markovna. The passenger train sped merrily from the south to the north, traversing golden fields of wheat and beautiful groves of oak, careering with rumbling upon iron bridges over bright rivers, leaving behind it whirling clouds of smoke.

He glanced at the clock, perceiving that he had still ten minutes, just as Gertie ended and stood back shaking and pale-eyed. "Is that all?" he asked. It seemed it was not all, and Gertie began again, this time on a slightly higher note, and with a little color in her face. Frank waited, quite simply and without ostentation. She finished. After a moment's pause Frank answered.

"I don't know," said Leighton, gloomily. "I couldn't think of anything else. Lunch begins to look a bit thin for the job. At first I'd thought of one of those green-eyed Barbadian cocktails, followed by that pale-eyed Swiss wine of mine that Ivory calls the Amber Witch with the hidden punch. But I've given them up. You see, I told her I'd play fair if she did." "Yes, I see," said Hélène.

He was a rat of a man, white-faced, pale-eyed, with a sagging, uncertain mouth. "M'sieur!" he whimpered. "But I have got nothing! It is a mistake. The other man " Cobb thrust him at the end of a long arm to where Savinien stood, the cigarette still unlighted. The other man, of course, was gone. "Hullo, Savinien," said Cobb. "You know you've been robbed, don't you?

"Then you just get me out o' sight until we 're off, and I 'll fix things so you 'll never be sorry for it!" The pale-eyed engineer studied the problem. Then he studied the figure in front of him. "There's nothing crooked behind this?" Blake forced a laugh from his weary lungs. "I 'll prove that in two days by wireless and pay first-class passage to the next port of call!"

He swelled and got purple about the face. We were alarmed and were getting ready to hoop him like a barrel when he found his tongue at last. "You pale-eyed, prehistoric mudhead," he spluttered, "I've spent a week trying to get through that skull lining of yours. It's no use, you field boulder. Where do you keep your brains? Give me a chance at them.