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They held meeting after meeting throughout the Island. Chiefs made long speeches; orators chanted their palavers; and warriors acted their part by waving of club and tomahawk. An unprecedented friendliness sprang up amongst them. They agreed to sink every quarrel, and unite in building the first Church on Aniwa, one Chief only holding back.

Hook, in his double refined nonsense, palavers about the blasphemy of white wine after brown game and he is not far wrong either; at least I never thought he was, so long as my Hermitage lasted; but at the time I speak of, it was still to the fore so the moment the pint a piece was out, "Hold hard, Tom, now," cheeps little Conshy. "Why, only one glass of Hermitage, Conshy." Conshy shakes his head.

This she would despatch by a swift runner to the chiefs, and by the time they had discussed the mysterious official looking document, which none of them, could read, she would come on the scene and allay the excitement and settle the dispute. One of her favourite devices during palavers was to knit.

All, on account of their distinguished services, were exempt from taxes, palavers and military services, and were kept in splendid style by the Royal exchequer, those of the inferior classes being expected to sacrifice themselves upon the tomb of the king when he died.

"What dog am I that I should question the mind of my lords? In their wisdom they give honour and they punish. It is written." Bosambo nodded. "Yet, lord," he persisted, "my own cousin who sweeps your lordship's stables told me this morning that on the days of big palavers you also have stars and beautiful things upon your breast, and noble ribbons about your lordship's stomach.

But we must not expect too much from the denizens of African seaports, mostly fishermen who will act hammock-bearers, a race especially fond of Bacchus and worshippers of the 'devil Venus. Perhaps a little too much license is allowed to them in the matter of noisy and drunken 'native customs, palavers, and pow-wows.

She fancied that the act kept her from being nervous, as well as from showing fear, while the sight of the knitting going quietly and steadily on, in the midst of uproar, helped to calm the excitement. She used to say that it was only during these long palavers that she could get some knitting done.

One half of the platform is covered by the house; the other half, left free, is used to fish from, for the children to play about on, and for receptions when palavers are held.

He left the village of M'fa a little unhappy for the space of a day, when, native-like, they forgot all that he had said. In the meantime, up and down the river went Bones, palavers which lasted from sunrise to sunset being his portion.

The negroes were very averse to work, and it would be impossible to relate the numerous "palavers" and negotiations which had to be gone through, and the exactions which were submitted to, before porters could be obtained. The explorers succeeded, in spite of these difficulties, in reaching Jenneh, sixty miles from the coast.