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It is nozing to me.” “Well, my dear Baron,” said Mr Bunker, like a man persuaded against his will, “what can I say? I confess I might find a little difficulty in replenishing my purse without resorting to disagreeable means, and if you really wish my society, why——” “Zen it is a bairgain?” cried the Baron. “If you insist——” “I insist. Vaiter! Alzo two ozzer liqueur.

The Count's cheerful tone did not seem to please his friend. "Your heart, he is too light, Bonker; ja, too light. Last night you did engourage me not to be seemly." "I did get almost dronk. If my head vas not so hard I should be dronk. Das ist not right. If I am to be ze Tollyvoddle, it most be as I vould be Von Blitzenberg. I most not forget zat I am not as ozzer men.

"Now for ze affaire wis ze monstaire balloon of ze rouge color!" he cried, as he alighted from his monoplane while an assistant filled the gasolene tank. "I will in circles go around you, up and down, zis side zen ze ozzer, and presto! I am back at ze starting place, before you have begun. Zen charity shall be ze richair!" "All right, wait and see," said Tom, easily.

"Ach, it is ze ozzer Tollvoddle!" he exclaimed. "So! zat is it, of course." "You mean to say there is another peerage of Tulliwuddle?" "Oh, yes." "Fetch Debrett, Ri!" But Ri had already not only fetched Debrett, but found the place. "A darned lie. Thought so," he observed succinctly. The luckless diplomatist was now committed to perdition. "It is not in ze books," he exclaimed.

"Oh, yes," added Dodo, seeing her advantage, "we can tay out heah, Doyce, an' I'll talk to my doggy while you talk to dat ozzer one," nodding her head shyly towards Dalton. "Why Dodo!" cried the young hostess, half shocked, though wholly amused. But as Dalton again broke out she joined him, Dodo quite impersonally adding her cadenza.

While Madame Blondel plied them with food she told them the story of the new road another shameless item in the wake of German criminality and dishonor. "They will wait to see if Amerique can send her troops. They will trust zese submarines so long. No more! All the while they make zis road ozzer roads.

"Oh, come queek!" she implored. "I see it from my window. I have ze bad headache so long I cannot sleep. Zen I geet up and sit by ze window. I look out and see some one walking beneath the trees. When he walk in ze moonlight I see it is ze Monsieur Carson. Zen all at once oh, ze terrible theeng!" "Go on!" commanded Frank. "All at once what?" "I see ze ozzer man just ze glimpse.

"Why, ye-s, I know about it, and it does interest me greatly. It's like a puzzle, somehow. Two and two may not always make four, but they will certainly make something. Do you mind my planning with you a little?" "Not one bit, dear Mees." "Then let's fix Gus Peters out. Why not phone to that boy what's his name?" "Wolly, zey call him zat ozzer name, it ees very deficult to speak and I forget."

Not long vas ven I see ze Lady Hilton drive past mit ze ozzer Lady Hilton and vun old lady. I raise my hatno bow from zem. ‘Pairhaps,’ I zink, ‘zey see me not.’ Zey stop by ze side to speak viz a gentleman. I gomed up and again I raise my hat and I say, ‘How do you do, Lady Hilton? I hope you are regovered from ze dance.’ Zat was gorrect, vas it not?”

"I did of myself write the names of ozzer peoples;" when Carmen was excited she lost the control of the English tongue; "I did write just to please myself; it was my onkle that did make of it money; you understand, eh? Shall you not speak? Must I again hit you?" "Go on," said Thatcher laughing.