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The eunuch sings as if he had an oboe in his throat; it is much too harsh and lacking in brilliancy for our ear, which values incomparably higher the more brilliant, clearer timbre, corresponding to the tone of the flute, clarinet, or horn. The favorite timbre of the eighteenth century compares with that of the nineteenth as dull oxidized gold does with that brightly polished.

Another solution may possibly be found in the employment of a fluid piston; but here we are placed in a dilemma between the liquids that are decomposed and the metals that are oxidized at high temperatures.

For after the nitrifying organisms have oxidized nitrogen cleavage products, the results of the oxidation in the form of nitrates or nitric acid are left in the soil, and may now be seized upon by the roots of plants, and begin once more their journey around the food cycle.

That of the Green Eyed Monster now thoroughly oxidized as far as penetrated forms a sheet from twenty to forty feet in thickness, consisting of ferruginous, sandy, or talcose soft material carrying from twenty to thirty dollars to the ton in gold and silver.

When boiled with alcoholic potash solution, it takes up a molecule of water and splits apart into piperic acid, C H O , and piperidine, C H N. This latter base has been shown to be a hydrogen addition product of pyridine, C H N. When heated with concentrated sulphuric acid, it is oxidized to pyridine.

By the analysis, proteids and other bodies are broken into very simple compounds, some of them, indeed, being dissipated into the air, but other portions are retained and then oxidized, and these latter become the real fertilizing materials. Through the agency of bacteria the compost heap thus becomes the great source of plant food to the farmer.

First, they crushed the whole mass into powder, and then did something to it applied heat, I believe to drive away the sulphur. That fumed off, and left the rest as promiscuous as before. Then they oxidized the lead, however they managed it, and got that out. You see I'm not quite sure of the order of things, or of the chemical part. But they got it out, and something took it.

The iron balustrade, oxidized by time and crumbling into scales of rust almost shook from its sockets with the jar of his footsteps. As he reached the zaguán Febrer stood still. The extreme resolution which he had adopted, and which would forever cast its influence on the destiny of his name, caused him to look curiously at the very places which he had so often passed with indifference.

This rusty-colored outside is oxidized iron from the black sand, I guess. Still, it might be something else. But I know what the inside is, all right, all right." "My goodness!" she murmured. "There might be wagonloads of it in this creek." "There might, but it isn't likely." Bill shook his head.

To see this we need only take into consideration carbon's relationship to oxidation and reduction respectively. As it is natural for sulphur to be in the reduced state, and for phosphorus to be in the oxidized state, so it is in the nature of carbon to be related to both states and therefore to oscillate between them.