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He twisted his hand in the looks which adorned the cranium of his adversary, when horror of horrors! the treacherous wig came off in his hand, "Owgh! owgh!" exclaimed the affrighted savage, flinging it from him, and rushing from the court as if he had been bitten by a rattlesnake.

The Indians were highly amused by this relation, and passed the sword from one to the other, exclaiming, "A god! Owgh! A god!" But, in spite of these outward demonstrations of contempt, I was sorry to perceive that this circumstance gave the weapon a great value, in their eyes, and they regarded it with a sort of mysterious awe.

Moodie and the children are obliged to you for your kindness in bringing them the grapes; but how came you to tie them up in a dirty shirt?" "Dirty!" cried the old man, astonished that we should object to the fruit on that score. "It ought to be clean; it has been washed often enough. Owgh!

He twisted his hand in the locks which adorned the cranium of his adversary, when horror of horrors! the treacherous wig came off in his hand, "Owgh! owgh!" exclaimed the affrighted savage, flinging it from him, and rushing from the court as if he had been bitten by a rattlesnake.

The old gentleman rotated on one leg like a dervish, made an ineffectual stoop to clutch his gouty toe and wound up by bringing his rattan cane smartly down on the boy's shoulders. "Owgh! Owgh! Stand up, you young villain! My temper's hasty, and here's a shilling-piece to cry quits. Stand up and tell me now is it Fire, Robbery, or Murder?"

K's chair, and regarded the picture with a most affectionate eye. I was afraid that he would be angry at the liberty I had taken. No such thing! He was as pleased as Punch. "That Peter?" he grunted. "Give me put up in wigwam make dog too! Owgh! owgh!" and he rubbed his hands together, and chuckled with delight. Mr.

K -'s chair, and regarded the picture with a most affectionate eye. I was afraid that he would be angry at the liberty I had taken. No such thing! He was as pleased as Punch. "That Peter?" he grunted. "Give me put up in wigwam make dog too! Owgh! owgh!" and he rubbed his hands together, and chuckled with delight. Mr.

Moodie and the children are obliged to you for your kindness in bringing them the grapes; but how came you to tie them up in a dirty shirt?" "Dirty!" cried the old man, astonished that we should object to the fruit on that score. "It ought to be clean; it has been washed often enough. Owgh!

The Indians were highly amused by this relation, and passed the sword from one to the other, exclaiming, "A god! Owgh! A god!" But, in spite of these outward demonstrations of contempt, I was sorry to perceive that this circumstance gave the weapon a great value in their eyes, and they regarded it with a sort of mysterious awe.