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Can what they call civilization be right, if people mayn't die in the room where they were born? My dear, I am so sorry " Margaret did not know what to say. Mrs. Wilcox had been overtired by the shopping, and was inclined to hysteria. "Howards End was nearly pulled down once. It would have killed me." "Howards End must be a very different house to ours.

She looked and looked, and presently the tears began to slide silently down her cheeks. She did not lift her hands to wipe them away. She sat and cried silently, openly, like a desolate, unkindly treated child. "Mrs. Allan! Mrs. Allan, ma'am!" came Wallis's concerned whisper from the doorway. "Don't take it as hard as that. It's just a little relapse. He was overtired.

Koritz, dark, undersized, with the eyes of an Oriental and the lean, sensitive fingers of one who creates, shivered a little, like a plant that is swept by an icy blast. Buck came over and laid one hand on his wife's shaking shoulder. "Emma, you're overtired! This this thing you've been slaving over has been too much for you."

"Please don't thank me for anything. I have done nothing any one could not have done. It is," he said huskily, "it is to my happiness, my great happiness, if I have been able to help you a very little." Then he looked up and saw her face. "Miss Summers! You look overtired and I have kept you standing. You must sit down, and let me get you " "It is nothing at all." She forced a smile to her lips.

But that, God knew, was happiness enough a feverish, craving joy, like an overtired man's thirst, growing with the drink on which it tries to slake itself.

A few minutes after this, Lady Coltshurst announced it was time to go, and she would take the girls home. And the Duke's carriage was also waiting, and good nights were said, and the host whispered to Jimmy Danvers, "Take Tancred along with you, too, please. My niece is overtired with the strain of this evening and I want her to go to bed at once." And to Tristram he said,

I went to his bedside and found him quietly sleeping, but he never woke, and in about an hour passed quietly away. "I thought no more of the bird, fancying I must have been mistaken from being overtired. "Some months after my husband's death my youngest little one was born; he lived for twelve months, and then had an attack of bronchitis.

"There is my husband," she said. "Do I look very ill, Mr. Ford?" "You do, indeed; you look ghastly," I said. "I will go and meet him," she said. The exercise and the fresh air brought some little color to her face before they met. Still he cried out that I had not taken care of her; that she was overtired. "That is it," she replied.

The Squire was much better, he declared, had been carried down to the library. 'But, lor, sir, there ain't much to be said for your looks neither seems as if London didn't suit you, sir. Elsmere explained feebly that he had been suffering from his throat, and had overtired himself by walking over the common.

"Tristram hastily undressed, and stretching himself between the blankets, prepared to go to sleep. Like yourself, and for a similar reason, he never sleeps on his left side. Accordingly he occupied the right portion only of the enormous bed. "Why he did not fall asleep at once he could not explain; he fancied that it might be because he was overtired.