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But won't she smile up all over when she sees Gran'ma eating her fresh egg at breakfast-time! The greatest dread Terry felt was of oversleeping herself. She fell asleep as soon as her head was on the pillow, but wakened with a start as the clock was striking three.

We couldn't sleep by any means, we were so afraid of oversleeping the great hour; and every little while, after we tried to sleep, one of us would suddenly think she saw day at the window, and wake the rest, who also had only been pretending to sleep while watching in the dark for daylight. When it came, it found no watchful eye, after all.

She declared I had done enough for one night, and jumping out of bed, compelled me to betake myself to my own room, where, I must confess, I very shortly slept as sound as could be, without at the same time oversleeping myself. Thus passed several successive nights, until the fall of the moon, when one day Mrs. B. complained of headache and feeling unwell.

As a precaution against oversleeping, a watchman goes about just before daybreak, and makes a rousing clatter at the gate of every Mussulman’s house to warn him that if he wants anything to eat he must get it instanter. Our roommates evidently intended to make anall nightof it, for they forthwith commenced the preparation of their morning meal.

Katherine."Of course I don't do it to annoy father or anybody else. But if I oversleep myself, it is not my fault." Mother."I would go to bed at eight o'clock rather than be late as often as you. How should you like it if I were not down to prayers ?" Katherine, muttering."Of course that is very different. I don't see why I should be blamed for oversleeping any more than James.

"Well," he said, "do you want to go to sleep, or will you come and talk business with me for a little while?" "Sleep!" Bannon echoed. "I've been oversleeping lately." The elevator was the place for the dinner, if only the mild weather that had followed the Christmas storm should continue on that Bannon, Pete, and Max were agreed.

Then suddenly the reassuring thought occurred to me: "Why should I not drive out to the monastery when the morning comes, and see the priest again, and make a second confession?" Thereafter I grew calmer. Several times that night I woke in terror at the thought that I might be oversleeping myself, and by six o'clock was out of bed, although the dawn was hardly peeping in at the window.

Still heavy with lees of slumber, his wits occupied themselves sluggishly with questions concerning the enervation that oppressed him, the reason for his oversleeping, why he had not been called. Then, reminded that noon was the hour set for Eve's departure, fear lest she get away without his bon voyage brought him sharply up in a sitting position.

And though you may be obliged, out of civility, to converse with them on common subjects, yet do not your secret thoughts still run upon London or York, its business, or its pleasures? And above all, if you are likely to set out early, are you not afraid of oversleeping, and does not that fear keep you upon the watch, so that you are commonly up and ready before the porter comes to summon you?

Miss Burt was glad to hear Milly Flaxman was oversleeping herself. She had not been satisfied with the girl's appearance of late, and feared Milly worked too hard and had bad nights. Tims had to go out at ten o'clock and did not return until luncheon-time. She went up to Milly's room and knocked at the door. As before, there was no answer.