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"'Father, answered Sophron, 'you infinitely over-rate the merits of the service which chance has enabled me to perform.

He diligently endeavours also, habitually to preserve a just sense of the real worth of human distinction and applause, knowing that he shall covet them less when he has learned not to over-rate their value. He labours to bear in mind, how undeservedly they are often bestowed, how precariously they are always possessed.

Situated as Chili then was, it is impossible to over-rate the importance of this acquisition the capture of a noble harbour protected by fifteen forts, and the magazines with their vast amount of military stores, being even secondary to the political advantages gained by the Republic.

"Really," she said, "I scarcely know why I asked for your help, except that you seem to me so much cleverer than most of the men I know." "I am afraid you over-rate my abilities," he said, with a slight deprecating smile. "But at any rate, please be sure of one thing. You could not have asked the advice of anyone more anxious to serve you." "How kind you are!" she murmured.

I almost wish that I could now be the dupe of a woman or a false friend, for I should then feel as if I were young again." "But, sir," replied I, "your conduct is at variance with your language; why else such kindness shown to me, a perfect stranger, and one without claims upon you?" "You over-rate my little attention, my dear Valerie; but that proves that you have a grateful heart.

"He is not the sort of man to escape notice," Borrowdean answered. "He will be discovered for certain. Of course, if it comes off all right, the whole thing will be a feather in his cap. But when I think how much we are dependent upon him, I don't like the risk." "You are sure," she remarked, thoughtfully, "that you do not over-rate " "Mannering himself, perhaps," Borrowdean interrupted.

It is certainly impossible to over-rate the importance of the economic factor in society, or of a good environment. And it is true that eugenics alone, like birth-control alone, can effect little if the economic basis of society is unsound. But it is equally certain that the economic factor can never in itself suffice for fine living or even as a cure-all of social and racial diseases.

O, my lord! cried he, as soon as he had done perusing it, how much do you over-rate the little merit I am master of, yet how little regard a passion which is the sole inspirer of it! what will avail all the glory I can acquire, if unsuccessful in my love!

More quickly than she anticipated, Everett proved she did not over-rate the forces that compelled him. The excursion to the rapids was followed by a second dinner on board the Nigeria. But now, as on the previous night, Everett fell into sullen silence. He ate nothing, drank continually, and with his eyes devoured the woman.

First comes an introduction about avoiding extremes of either self-indulgence or self-mortification. This was specially appropriate to his hearers who were ascetics and disposed to over-rate the value of austerities. Next he defines the middle way or eightfold path.