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Some of the men go down to-morrow week, and the rest as we can find room for them." "On the masters' terms?" "Of course or all but." She clapped her hands. "Oh, for goodness' sake, don't!" he said, as he hung up his hat, and she, supposing that he was irritable from over-fatigue, managed to overlook the sharpness of his tone. Their Christmas passed in solitude.

After a few weeks of self-torture, over-fatigue, scant food, little sleep and insufficient clothing, I naturally fell ill, and the kind Tenders family would not hear of it that I should be tended elsewhere than in their own home. Behold Satan's splendid chance, which he turned to excellent account. He kept still as a mouse; no impure thoughts, no visions, no troublesome dreams annoyed me.

Pray attribute my rudeness to over-anxiety and over-fatigue. I wish you good-evening." The station was by this time almost a solitude, the passengers by the train being assembled at the examination of their luggage in the custom-house waiting-room. It was no easy matter, ostensibly to take leave of Mr. Bashwood, and really to keep him in view.

There is another circumstance in which sleep is likewise of short duration, which arises from great debility, as after great over-fatigue, and in some fevers, where the strength of the patient is greatly diminished, as in these cases the pulse intermits or flutters, and the respiration is previously affected, it seems to originate from the want of some voluntary efforts to facilitate respiration, as when we are awake.

At the same time it is well to bear in mind that temporary causes, such as especially the disorders produced by over-fatigue, or by an over-hearty or indigestible meal, may suddenly raise the temperature as high as 102°, or higher, but the needed repose or the action of a purgative may be followed in a few hours by an almost equally sudden decline of the heat to the natural standard.

We could not guess from her cheerful letters how she was wearing herself out, bearing his caprices, giving up sleep and exercise. I knew how it would be the first moment I met her, when I went to Elsdale to the funeral; but it was supposed to be only over-fatigue, and her aunt, Lady Fotheringham, took her home to recover. She grew worse, and went to London for advice.

Napoleon, in the hope of overtaking the Russians and of compelling them to give battle, pushed onward by forced marches; the supplies were unable to follow, and numbers of the men and horses sank from exhaustion owing to over-fatigue, heat, and hunger.

"Nothin's the matter wi' me, old man 'cept " Here he indulged in another chuckle. "Goin' mad, with over-fatigue," said Simkin, looking suspiciously at him. "Ay, that's it, messmate, clean mad wi' over-fatigue." He wiped his eyes with the hairy back of his hand, for the chuckling, being hearty, had produced a few tears. "No, but really, Jack, what is it you're laughing at?" asked Armstrong.

Find some country to interest him without over-fatigue, and you will, I hope, be able to bring him home fit to consider the matter." "That is all you promise?" "All I dare -not even to promise- but to let you hope for." An interruption came; one of the young ladies had had her skirt trodden on, and wanted it to be stitched up.

His perusal of the accounts of the work of explorers who had penetrated into the Southern Seas convinced him that the end of January and the whole of February were the best times for visiting these regions, for then only are the effects of the annual thaw over, and with them the risk of over-fatigue to the crews.