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Realizing that he was outranged, the commander of the Nurnberg ordered full speed ahead and dashed toward the Sylph, that he might get within range before the Sylph had crippled him with her long-distance fire. Before she managed to get within range, however, her fighting top had been shot away, she had been pierced in vital spots several times and was otherwise very badly crippled.

The Canadian-French traders to the north were only too glad to trade them these weapons for the splendid supplies of furs which the Indians had gathered. Many of these rifles were of excellent construction, and on a number of occasions we discovered to our cost that they outranged the army carbines with which we were equipped.

They stared at him in dumb, amazed questioning. Dave lifted her from the ground. "I... I thought you... were dead," she whispered. "Not even powder-burnt. His six-shooter outranged mine. I was trying to get him closer." "Is he...?" "Yes. He'll never trouble any of us again." She shuddered in his arms. Dave ached for her in every tortured nerve.

But their little guns were outranged by the Turkish artillery, and though they were often right up with the mounted men they could not get near the enemy batteries.

We outranged her, and when she was out of action and sinking, with her men swimming and drowning all round her, the Panther was stripped of life preservers in two minutes. Some of my lads went overboard to help the Boche." Mr.

On paper, therefore, we had a great advantage. But we had to economise ammunition, not knowing when we should get more, and also to keep a reserve of field-guns to assist any threatened point. Also their guns, being newer, better pieces, mounted on higher ground, outranged ours. We had more guns, but they were as useless as catapults: only the six naval guns could touch Pepworth's Hill or Bulwan.

In prevision of such an attempt, Yule had already shifted some of his equipage, and now, finding that the hostile guns outranged his own, he removed the camp two miles to the southward, on high ground.

Against the Emden's ten 4.1-inch guns, the Sydney had eight 6-inch guns, and she was at least 4 knots faster. Outranged and outdone in speed, the German ship was soon driven ashore in a sinking condition, with a funnel down and steering gear disabled. During her two months' activity thus ended, the Emden had made 21 captures, destroying ships and cargoes to the value of over $10,000,000.

Shenkursk Surrounded By Bolsheviki Enemy Artillery Outranged Ours British General At Beresnik Orders Retreat Taking Hidden Trail We Escape Shenkursk Battalion Of Russians Fails Us Description Of Terrible March Casting Away Their Shackletons Resting At Yemska Gora Making Stand At Shegovari Night Sees Retreat Resumed Cossacks Cover Rear Holding Ill-Selected Vistavka Toil, Vigilance And Valor Hold Village Many Days Red Heavy Artillery Blows Vistavka To Splinters In March Grand Assault Is Beaten Off For Two Days Lucky Cossacks Smash In And Save Us Heroic Deeds Performed Vistavka Is Abandoned.

They were mounted on carriages hastily extemporised for the emergency by Captain Percy Scott, of the Royal Navy, and, as they outranged the army field guns by full 2,000 yards, they extended by at least double that distance the diameter of the circle of investment imposed upon the enemy.