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"Gone," groaned Wilson. "But within the hour. I want you to help me find them." "Like huntin' fer a loose dory in th' dark, ain't it?" "Yes, but you'd hunt even for your dory, wouldn't you?" "Right, m' boy, an' I ain't suggestin' thet yer change yer course, only these seas are uncharted fer me. But how'd she git outern yer hands once yer had her?" "Oh, I was a fool, Stubbs.

'nd "Oh, my!" and the nigger a-prancin' round like the widder bewitched with all this goin' on, sleep wuz out uv the question. Folks began to wake up 'nd put their heads outern their bunks to see what wuz the doggone matter. This made things pleasanter for the young woman.

It was twenty minutes of ten before a sleepy and decidedly irritable voice responded in answer to Donaldson's cheery hello. There was little of Christian spirit to be detected in it. "Is this Deacon Staples?" "Yes. But I 'd like t' know what ye mean by gettin' a man outern bed at this time of night?" "Why, you were n't in bed, Deacon!" "In bed? See here, is this some confounded joke?"

But the latter explained his indifference somewhat when he remarked, removing the clay pipe from his mouth: "M' boy, I'm sorter past my treasure hunting days. Once't I dug up 'bout an acre of sand on one of the islands of the South seas an' it sorter took all th' enthusiasm, as ye might say, fer sech sport outern me. We didn't git nothin' but clam shells, as I remember.

Howsomever, I wouldn't git nothin' but clam shells outern a gold mine. Thet's th' way m' luck runs. Maybe th' stuff's there, maybe it ain't; but if I goes, it ain't." He added, a moment later: "Howsomever, I can see how, in order to find the girl, you has to go. The dago gent if he lives will make fer that right off.

"Three cheers fer Cap'n Stubbs," shouted someone. And as Stubbs bashfully beat a hasty retreat, the cheers rang lustily in his ears. But he reported to Danbury with his face beaming. "Now," he said, "ye've gut some men worth something. They'll be fightin' fer themselves fightin' to keep outern jail. Mutiny has its uses."

He drew his coat collar more closely about his neck and unbuttoned the lower buttons to give his legs freer play. The officer moved back a little, still retaining his grip on the girl's arm. "Well," he said, "yer better get outern here now, or I'll run you in, too." "No," answered Wilson, "you'll not run in either of us." "I won't, eh? Move on lively "

But, somehow, the Old Man didn't take to me like he took to his mother: would climb down outern my lap to git where Lizzie wuz; would hang on to her gownd, no matter what she wuz doin', whether she wuz makin' bread, or sewin', or puttin' up pickles, it wuz alwuz the same to the Old Man; he wuzn't happy unless he wuz right there, clost beside his mother.

I've heern o' women with the gift o' conjurin' like seventh sons o' seventh sons but I ain't ever met with sech. I dunno now I dunno now but what I might consider your proposition if we comes outern this right and the cap'n here can spare me. I can't say this minute as how I takes much stock in it, as ye might say.

A man may raise 'leven children as easy as rollin' off 'n a log, 'nd yet the twelfth one, that is n't his at all, may break him. There is ginerally a last straw, even when it comes to the matter uv children. So when the colonel riz feet foremost for the third time outern his bunk that night or, I should say, mornin', for it was mighty near mornin' now we looked for hail Columby.