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"Madame!" cried M. Baleinier, who felt stung in spite of, himself. "You know I am rich," continued Adrienne, with overwhelming disdain; "I will double the sum that they give you. Come, sir in the name of friendship, as you call it, let me have the pleasure of outbidding them."

"Yes, of course. Horrible business. I hope you didn't get mixed up in it any more than you had to. After all, you're working for us, and if the police knew that, we'd be bothered, too.... Look here, you don't think some of these other people who were after the collection might have killed Rivers, to keep him from outbidding them?" Nelda, entering from the hallway, caught the last part of that.

His position as lieutenant-general gave him an immense advantage for intriguing with both sides, and in case his aspirations for royalty were baffled for obtaining the highest possible price for himself in that auction in which Philip and the Bearnese were likely to strain all their resources in outbidding each other. On one thing his heart was fixed.

Turning our eyes from foreign matters to the internal affairs of the United Kingdom, we see two great leaders, Mr. Disraeli and Mr. Gladstone whose "long Parliamentary duel" had begun early in the fifties of this century outbidding each other by turns for the public favour, and each in his different way ministering to the popular craving for reform. With Mr.

Vague allusions, to the effect that Albany was continually outbidding Henry, had been her refrain for years; but whereas she sent minute and circumstantial details of every other secret likely to prejudice the country and the regent, she had been silent as to any definite overtures such as those contained in the document referred to.