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They explained this many times to Sir John, and Sir John explained it to us; and learning that we were English, and therefore friends of liberty, they forced us to drink wine with them lashins of wine until just as my head was beginning to feel muzzy, some one called out that we were heroes and must drink the wine of heroes, the pride of Otta, the Invincible St. Cyprien.

I otta go in a minute, but you're such a chicken if I don't watch out for you y'might get lost in the wash. Any one put you wise on that three-cent billy doo?" "The girl at the door told me I was to buy it of her," said Win, "and then I could divide it up for three different things to eat. But can one get three different things to eat for three cents? It seems wonderful!"

This city is reputed to be rich, as the country around abounds in several commodities peculiar to it, especially four noted dyes, indigo, otta or anotto, cochineal, and silvestre. Having in vain endeavoured to land on this part of the coast, we proceeded to the small isle of Tangola. a league from the continent, where we found good anchorage, with plenty of wood and water.

This Vter, hearing that the Saxons with their capteins Occa or Otta the sonne of Hengist, and his brother Osca had besieged the citie of Yorke, hasted thither, and giuing them battell, discomfited their power, and tooke the said Occa and Osca prisoners.

Now, the first thing to happen to us in Otta was that we found it empty not so much as a dog in the street but all the inhabitants on the hill above, in a crowd before a mighty great stone: and Badcock would have it that they were gathered together in fear of us. But the true reason turned out to be something quite different.

The leading railway lines radiate from Christiania to Stockholm, Goteborg, Trondhjem, Gudbransdal, Telemarken, and the Valders. The longest line three hundred and fifty miles is from Christiania to Trondhjem through Hamar. There is also a relatively long line one hundred and ninety miles from Christiania up the Gudbrandsdal by Lake Mjosen and through Lillehammer to Otta.

But the 'L' runs past the place, and some folks say it otta be spelled with 'H. The noise pretty near drove me bughouse at fyst, but I'm settlin' down to it now. He's in the toy department with me and feels real at home with the Teddy bears. I could get you a room in my house for two dollars per." "Per what?" Win was obliged to ask. "Per week. Per everything.

If this woman be my fate, I'll say no more except that 'tis hard; but as for courting her, I never did so. 'You are in a worse case than you guess, said he; 'for, to begin with, the lady is a widow; and, secondly, she is marrying you, not for your looks, but for revenge. 'Why, what have I done? said I. 'Nothing at all, said he; 'but from what I can hear of it, five years ago a man of Evisa, up the valley, stole a goat belonging to this woman's husband; whereupon the husband took a gun and went to Evisa and shot the thief's cousin, mistaking him for the thief; whereupon the thief came down to Otta and shot the honest man one day while he was gathering olives in his orchard.

At any rate, Sordello and Cunizza betook themselves to Ezzelino's court. Then, according to the Provençal biography, follows his secret marriage with Otta, and his flight from Treviso, to escape the vengeance of her angry relatives.